Chapter Sixteen

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When I'm halfway down the corridor, Bianca calls my name. I turn to face her and she walks up to me, acting like royalty again.

"Nico's just a bit confused." She tells me gently. "He doesn't understand what he's feeling... I suggest you just stay away from him for a few days okay?

"I know about you and Thalia." I blurt out. I don't know why that slips out then, but I can't help it. Bianca takes a step back, looking horrified. "I don't care." I tell her quickly, not wanting her to worry.
"Please don't tell anyone..." She begs.
"Thalia knows that I know." I add.

"Will, please!" She says frantically, fear flashing in her eyes. "My parents... My father would hate me."
"I won't tell anyone." I tell her. She relaxes slightly, but still looks terrified.

"I don't like you that way, you know." I cringe, knowing how rude I sound.
"I know." She nods. "I see the way you look at him."
"Am I that obvious?" I worry.
"No." She shakes her head, smiling slightly. "I was deliberately watching you."
"Oh." I can't be bothered to ask why.

I start to head back to my room.
"Will." She says again. I turn to her and frown, questioning her silently. "I really want Nico to be happy, okay?"

"I know. I nod. "I do too." Bianca smiles sadly.
"I think... I think you could make him happy, if he lets you."
"It doesn't seem like he's going to let me, through." I sigh.

She glances at his door, which is firmly closed.
"Just give him time." She says softly, before turning back to me. "I'll work something out."

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