Chapter Eighteen

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"He probably hates me now, though." I sigh, the mood dropping. "I'm so stupid..."
"He wants to see you." Bianca says softly, brushing her hand against my arm in a weak effort to comfort me. "I think he might like you back."
"No way." I shake my head.

Bianca looks like she's about to say something else, but there's a knock at the door. I get up and open it, and I'm greeted by a girl. She's a little bit taller than me, with a slim build and pale skin dotted with freckles. She has short, choppy, messy black hair and bright blue eyes.

"Is princess Bianca here?" She asks me politely. I nod, and Bianca walks over.
"Thalia!" She exclaims. The girls smiles, then Bianca suddenly grabs her hand and pulls her inside, which makes her Yelp in surprise. I kick the door shut and lean against it, crossing my arms.

"Nico, this is Thalia. Thalia, this is my little brother Nico." Bianca introduces us.
"Nico to meet you." Thalia smiles slightly. Bianca nudges her.
"Oh, drop it." Bianca sighs, clearly irritated. "I hate seeing you act like an obedient little servant."
"Yes, ma'am." Thalia replies jokingly. Bianca sighs and rolls her eyes, but she's smiling.

"Bianca has told me a lot about you." I tell Thalia. Bianca flushes bright red as Thalia smirks.
"Oh, has she?" She teases. Bianca tries to glare at us, but fails.

"Anyway," Thalia says, turning to Bianca. "I was wondering if you would like to go for a walk with me..."
"Where to?" Bianca asks, smiling.
"It's a surprise." Thalia takes her hands. They're standing in front of the window, perfectly silhouetted. I look away, feeling awkward.

"Will anybody see us?" Bianca asks quietly.
"Are you sure?" Bianca she frets.
"Positive. It's a secret place."
"Okay then."

"Nico, is that okay with you?" Bianca asks me. I nod, smiling.
"Yeah, you two go have fun." I tell her. Bianca smiles and kisses my cheek. "But not too much fun." I whisper. She rolls her eyes and laughs sarcastically, then leaves.

I lay back on my bed and close my eyes. I hope I can have a relationship like that one day...

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