Chapter Eight

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(Later that day)

I decide to go to the library again. I will only be here for a few weeks, so I want to make full use of the books available while I can.

As I step into the large room, I smile to myself. I walk straight to the fantasy section, humming to myself. As I start selecting books from the shelves, I begin to sing quietly.

I suddenly become aware that somebody else is singing with me, and stop abruptly. A second later, the other voice stops. I would think it was an echo, except the other voice was lower.

"Wh-who's there?" I ask. There's no answer, so I repeat my question, trying to sound intimidating.
"Relax, it's just me." A voice says from behind me. I whirl around and find myself face-to-face with Will.

He's extremely close to me. Feeling self-conscious, I take a step back, blushing. Will runs the back of his neck awkwardly. "You have a nice voice." He smiles shyly.

"Uh... Thanks. You do too." I reply nervously. His smiles grows, and it's a proper smile this time. It almost blinds me.

"You really are a good singer, you know." Will tells me. I feel my face heat up a bit more. I don't really know how to respond to compliments, nobody has ever really said anything nice to me before, except Bianca.

"Thanks." I repeat. "I-I can dance too, apparently. Bianca says I'm good at it."
"Really?" Will looks at me hopefully. I nod self-consciously and he grins. "That's awesome!"
"I need help, with learning to dance. You can teach me!"

"Whoa, slow down." I say quickly. "Who said I would teach you?" Will'a face falls.
"Oh, right..." I can barley Shans I look at his expression. He looks heartbroken. All I said was that I wouldn't teach him to dance!

"Sorry," he mumbles, "I just hoped you would-"
"Fine, I'll do it!" I sigh.
"Yes." I know I'm going to regret this.
"Th-thanks!" Will steps forward and wraps his arms around me, and I let out a surprised yelp. Will laughs and lets go.

"Meet me here tonight, okay?" He asks.
"Wh-why?" I stutter nervously.
"Do you can teach me to dance, of course!"
"Oh, right." I nod.

"Nico!" Bianca bursts into the room. She catches sight of me and runs over. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" She sees Will and freezes, then quickly changed her expression, looking calm and composed. "Hello, William." She says respectfully.

"It's just Will." He reminds her. She nods, then grabs my wrist.
"I need your help." She tells me.
"With what?" I ask. She glanced at Will, who is watching us intently.
"I-I can't tell you here." She tells me. Will raises an eyebrow. "Follow me." She starts dragging me out of the library, leaving no room for objection.

I glance back at Will, who is watching is go. I shoot him an apologetic look before stumbling after my sister, thoroughly confused.

(A/N: who do you ship Bianca with, if anyone? It's important to the story, so please tell me!)

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