Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: honestly I'm starting to ship Thalianca more than I should.

~Next morning~
"William, don't put your elbows on the table." My mother instructs. I obediently remove my elbows. "Sit up straight." She adds. I do as she says.

Bianca rushes into the room, panting.
"Sorry I'm late! I was busy..."
"It's okay." My father tells her. Bianca sits beside me as my mother looks her up and down judgementally.

Her hair is a mess and her face is bright red.
"Are you okay?" I whisper. She nods, looking flustered. "Are you sure?" I whisper. She nods.

"William, it's rude to whisper." Mother tells me.
"What were you saying?" She narrows her eyes suspiciously.
"I was asking if she was okay. She looks flushed."
"Don't lie, William."
"I wasn't lying!"
"He wasn't." Bianca agrees. "He was just worried about me, but I'm fine, thanks."

My mother still looks suspicious, but she doesn't question us any more.


When we're finished eating, Bianca and I go for a walk in the palace gardens. Bianca looks at the flowers, the sky her feet, everything except me. Part of me feels like I should take her hand, but we both know we don't love eachother, and I don't want to make things any more awkward. She loves Thalia, and I have a crush on Nico, no matter how unattainable he is.

"Are you going to tell me why you were late and looked so unorganised?" I ask her. She blushes again and averts her eyes.
"It's personal." She tells me. I frown, but don't press the matter.

"Bianca!" Thalia walks around the corner then runs over. Suddenly, she sees me and stops short, eyes wide.
"Oh, hello Prince William." She says, her eyes flitting to Bianca, who turns even redder. I roll my eyes.
"You both know that I know about you two." I remind them. Bianca elbows me as Thalia's cheeks turn pink.

"Just don't get caught, okay?" I implore them. The both nod, so I turn and leave. I can hear Thalia laughing and Bianca telling her to shut up, but I don't turn around.

I hesitate outside Nico's room and consider knocking, but he won't answer, so I keep walking, sighing unhappily.

unattainable | solangelo royalty auWhere stories live. Discover now