Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: I' so sorry for not updating in gases! I didn't have any ideas! Luckily, I do now, so I will try to update more frequently.

I hadn't included Hazel until now. She's briefly mentioned, but I've changed her age.

This chapter is mostly just background information about Nico and Bianca...


I said I wouldn't leave my room, and I stubbornly stick to my resolution.

Begrudgingly, Bianca brings me food and books. In the evenings, she sits with me and we talk. She updates me on what is going on in the palace, and occasionally talks about Will. However, whenever she brings him up, I glare at her until she stops. Sometimes I manage to persuade her to tell me about her and Thalia, which always results in me teasing her while she blushes furiously.

"Father is going to die if he finds out we're both homosexual." I whisper one night, running my hands through my hair. We're sitting on my bed, which is pressed against the wall. We're leant back on the cool, white surface, next to eachother.
"When." Bianca corrects me. "And anyway, I'm sure he'll understand."
"He wants grandchildren." I point out.
"There's always Hazel." Bianca refers to our half-sister, who is only six years old.

Our father has had three wives so far: our mama Maria; Hazel's mother Marie; and his current wife, Persephone. Bianca and I's mama died, and we both loved Marie. Then she died too, and father married Persephone, who is practically a witch. We both hate her with a passion.

Bianca tilts her head back and closes her eyes.
"Thalia is only a maid." She reminds me. "Even if father doesn't mind that I love a girl, he would never allow me to marry her."
"He might..." I know I'm lying. Bianca shakes her head.
"He needs me to marry Will, to keep this dumb alliance." She tells me, sounding resigned. However, a moment later, she grins mischievously and glances at me.
"Though, you could marry him..."

I shove her as she cackles. In public, Bianca has a quiet, dainty, practised laugh. In reality, she sounds like a hyena.

"Shut up." I mumble angrily.
"I'm just teasing!" She laughs. I shoot her a skeptical look, and she smirks. "Will is a nice boy, Nico." She informs me. "You could do a lot worse."

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