Chapter Five

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"So Bianca, tell us about yourself." The Queen prompts. We're sitting in a massive room, eating. I'm sat on one side of Bianca and Will is on the other side. His parents are opposite us.

Bianca starts to talk about her interests as I pick at my food distractedly. Nobody is paying attention to me, luckily. I suddenly become aware of somebody watching me. I turn my head slightly and catch the prince, Will, staring at me. He was doing that earlier, too. Is it my imagination?

His eyes flit away when he sees me looking, but I can't seem to tear my eyes away. His hair hangs in his eyes, but not as much as mine. He's even more tanned than me, but that's probably just because I never go outside.

He glance sober again, then we both look away. My cheeks are burning, so I keep my head down. Will starts talking about his interests, and I can't help listening.
"I like reading." He says, which surprises me. He seems like the mind of guy who only likes exercise and spending time outdoors. "I also like nature," he continues, "and animals." His mother pulls a face.

"Why about you?" His father asks me.
"M-me?" I stammer, confused.
"Uh... I like fighting." I get a strange look and correct myself. "Swordfighting." I say. "And archery. I also like reading." I see a small smile appear in Will's face.

"Why read when you can explore?" Bianca says passionately. "I like the outdoors. Nature and animals, like Will said, but not books."
"Books are good!" I protest. She keeps a nonchalant expression, but nudges me under the table. I nudge her back.

"What type of books do you like?" Will asks me.
"Fantasy." I say. "And a bit of adventure."
"I'll show you the library, if you like." Will offers.

"No, you won't." His mother intervenes. "You will be showing Bianca around."
"Can I show her the library?" He asks eagerly. She tuts and ignores him. Will catches my eyes and winks, but I have no idea what that means, so I just blush and turn away.

Why am I even feeling like this? He's just a stupid guy who's marrying my sister. I shouldn't even be liking anything about him, never mind blushing!

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