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I  wake up and get ready to go to the uni. I go up there with Jade since  she missed her morning lecture. We go and sit down, everyone else is  already here, "Where's Ashton?" Liam asks, Sophia's sitting on his lap.

"I don't know, at his place maybe, why?" I ask confused.

"Call him," I do as Liam says and call him, Louis takes my phone and puts it on speaker.

"Hey Lil, it's Calum."

"Oh hey Calum, is Ash there?"

"Yeah hang on a bit," theres some muffled voices before Ashton speaks.

"Hey Lil, whats up?"

"Hey Ashton, you're on speaker," Zayn says, "could you come to the college?"

"Sure, I'm passing it right now on the bus so I'll be there soon."

Five  minutes later Ashton walks past, I call out to him and he jogs over. I  introduce him to Sophia briefly, they exchange hi's. "Okay, so Jade has  written down the percentage we all got on Sunday night and we have to  try and get it lower by doing stuff by next Sunday, starting today,"  Liam says, "GO!" People go off either by themselves, in twos or threes. I  go with Ashton.

"Do you want to try to get less pure?" Ashton asks, laughing.

"Yeah, to be honest I really want to beat Niall and Harry," I say, feeling competitive.

"How about we do what the other one has done, like you do what I have already done and vise versa."

"Yeah, good idea, I really want to fuck a virgin because that sounds easy." Ashton looks a little taken aback.

"Yeah,  um ok, yeah," Ashton stumbles on his words, "do you know anyone or?" I  shake me head, no, "Well we could visit Luke and ask him if theres  anyone at his school if ya want." I agree so we get in Ashton's car and  drive to Luke's, its a bit of a long drive since he lives out of town.  We pull up in front of a house, Ashton walks straight in and I follow,  no one seems to be at home. We walk into a room and see Luke sitting on  the floor playing Xbox, "hey Luke," Ashton greets him.

"Hey," he sounds distant and doesn't bother with pausing his game.

"Who's this?" Ashton asks, looking at the girl asleep on the bed.

"A  popular girl from school, she wants to have that relationship from a  book where the popular girl dates the school reject and whatever, I just  wanted sex."

"Why is she asleep?" I ask.

Luke  takes his eyes off the screen to look at me, "oh hey Lil, I didn't see  you. After I fucked her she fell asleep so I just left her there." Luke  pauses the game and gets up, "why are you guys here anyway?" Luke frowns  at Ashton.

"Tell  you about that later," Ashton mumbles, "but we came here for your  extreme social and gossip knowledge," that earns a laugh from Luke, "Do  you know who's a virgin and who's not at your school?"

"It's not that hard to guess," he chuckles.

"As in the guys."

Luke  opens his mouth to answer but all of our attention is taken by the  sleeping girl who starts waking up, "I don't want to talk to her," Luke  groans heading towards the door.

"You  guys go, I'll get rid of her," I say. I wait for her to acknowledge me  before saying anything. She starts getting dressed while talking to me.

"Where's Luke?" She asks.

"In Jade's car," that was the first name I could think of.

"Who? What's he doing?"

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