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I wake up next to Harry, his muscular, tattooed arm behind me. I don't need Michael, I can have any one else I want. I close my eyes and try to think how good it is too wake up next to Harry after last night but I keep thinking about Michael. I give up and put on a top before going too the kitchen to have a drink and take my tablets. Jade walks in, "Good morning, back to the medicine?"

"Yeah, I wish I never went off them, it'd be easier."

"How?" She asks. I know what she's thinking. She's thinking that it proves I don't always need them. Shows I'm not addicted to them unless I need them. Saves money because I don't need to buy more. The list goes on.

"Because I miss him," I sigh, I know that wont make sense so I wait for her to be confused before I go on. "I didn't take any when I knew him, that's why I got so sad when he left for a week. I didn't need them when he was here, he could've fucked me whenever he wanted because we were kind of dating but he didn't. That's why I liked him so much. If I had've taken them I'd think it was a false happiness created by tablets but I didn't and it wasn't and that's why I miss him so much."

"Oh Lil, I didn't know you weren't taking them when he left for a week," Jade pulls me into a tight hug and uses my hair to dry her eyes, I don't complain.

"What?" Ashton asks.

"Hey Ashton, how was your sleep?" I sound so animated but I didn't suspect him to be awake yet. I can tell that Ashton wants to ask about what we were talking about but instead he says he has to go.

I get ready for work, I've gained a few pounds since I first met Michael and my tight bar tending outfit is even tighter. My only exercise is a lot of sex and walking home from work but since Michael I haven't done much of either. "Come on hot stuff, we have to get going," I say to Harry who's still in bed.

"Can I fuck you first?" He asks without opening his eyes.

"No, I can't be late." He groans and makes no effort to get up. "If you take me too work right now I'll fuck you in your car during my break."

"Tempting but what am I going to do until then?"

"College is very important."

"Have fun walking," he says, rolling over so his back is facing me.

"Fine, sit at the bar until eight," I sigh.

"Do I get a discount?" He asks excitedly.

"Don't push it, I could just serve you juice boxes because you're underage."

I walk in and am greeted by my boss. Oh shit, somethings wrong. "Lil, I need to talk to you in my office." I walk past Harry, I shrug as a response to his questioning glances. I look to Tyler who's manning the bar but he doesn't seem to know what's happening either. I take a deep breath before stepping into the stuffy office room. "Have a seat," he gestures to a moldy colored sofa with foam spewing out of the left corner.

"Are you firing me?" I ask once I'm seated, I bite my tongue, why did I just ask that?!

"Haha no, but I can't promise I'm giving good news." I feel the need to take another deep breath to wait for the bad news. This is taking forever, I feel like I'm in a movie where everything slows down. I start to sweat, still waiting. "I'm cutting back your shifts."

It takes me a moment to process, I was expecting something much worse. Once I realize what he just said I start getting angry, "you're what?" I ask but don't let him answer. "No, You're not limiting my shifts, this job pays the rent! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITHOUT MONEY TO PAY RENT!"

"listen, you can still keep Monday to Wednesday, I'm just cutting Thursday and Friday."

"Look, all I use my money on is rent, bills, food and laundry. Sometimes I can afford clothes but that's it." I say trying to calm down. "You gave me this job to help me out of my other one, you can't send me back to that."

"I'm sorry Lil but this is business, don't come tomorrow either, I think the police will be in," he says before pointing towards the door, telling me to leave. I feel like quitting this whole job but what good would that do? I go to the bar and glare at the customer.

"I, um, a beer thanks!" He sounds nervous. I drop it on the counter, I'm surprised the glass doesn't brake. I'm not surprised however, when he doesn't give me a tip.

"What's up?" Tyler asks.

"He cut back my shifts, I'm only doing three days instead of five."

"Would hooking up with me help?" Harry asks, looking completely serious.

"Can you not?!" Tyler asks, raising his voice a bit, "sure go hookup but don't talk about it in front of me, PLEASE." I shrug and go with Harry to the bathrooms, "wait no, I was kidding, please don't," Tyler pleads from behind the bar, I ignore him.

Normally we go in the men's bathroom but I end up convincing Harry to use the ladies because there's only guys at the bar so we'd be more likely to be caught. We go into the furtherous cubical and start making out. Harry starts talking in between kisses so I move my lips down to his neck, "What's the change all of a sudden?"

"What. do you. mean?"

"You weren't doing this a week ago."

I pull back from Harry's neck, "I can't answer your question without mentioning Michael and I really don't think I should bring him up right at this moment." I go back to his neck.

"Good point." It gets difficult when we try to take our pants off. Harry's insanely tight skinny jeans and my spray on leather jeans are not what we wish we were wearing right now. If they wern't bad enough we also have to get them over our shoes. Harry gives up and only pulls his jeans down to his knees. I end up taking one shoe off, taking a leg out of my jeans before putting the shoe back on and doing the same for the other leg. The toilets are filthy which is why I'm only taking off the necessary clothing.

"I think this has to be the least sexy way of taking your pants off," Harry says as I puts my left shoe back on. Before I can reply with something about not being able to think of anything to prove him wrong, he forcefully pushes his lips to mine. He pulls down my panties and grabs my leg behind my knee, pulling my leg up so he can take my panties off, he bends down a bit so he can put them in his back jean pocket. He pulls down his boxers and rolls a condom on before somehow lining himself up and picking me up at the same time.

"Fuck," I moan, being in a different position than usual reaches a place that hasn't been touched in a while. I don't want to but can't help moaning each time as my back slams on the wall of the cubical. It's meant to be a quicky but Harry's thrusts get slower as his legs wobble a bit.

"Shit, shit, shit," Harry keeps repeating with a "fuck," slipping in every so often, I dig my heals into his lower back to get him to go deeper, "agh, agH, AGH!' I start getting louder before I come, I close my eyes and let my head fall to Harry's shoulder.

"fuckkk," he groans as he comes. I get my breathing back to normal before putting my pants back on, Harry leaves the bathroom as I'm fixing myself up in the mirror.

I walk back to the bar, "do you know where I should work?" Tyler asks me but doesn't give me time to answer, "a gay bar."

"How has this sudden realization come to you?" I ask.

"This cute guy came in and I was flirting with him before he told me he has to quickly call his girlfriend to ask what liquor she wants. I've realized that all the gays are at a gay bar."

"But I'm not there so if you worked there you wouldn't have the pleasure of hanging out with me," I say, I pretend to be full of myself but its just an inside joke I have with myself and its actually pretty funny.

"True, which is why I'm still working here." Tyler, Harry and I talk about whatever. Tyler leaves for his break and Harry and I await his return so it will be my turn to leave.

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