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I wake up refreshed, with a clear mind, there was no reason behind my tears, I wasn't sad, I wasn't angry, I didn't even feel like crying for no reason, I just did. I lie in bed before getting ready.

I walk up to the uni and greet Harry with a smile, he returns it. We talk about tons of stuff, as if we haven't seen each other only yesterday but more like we haven't seen one another in a few weeks, I walk into the bar and smile at Tyler.

"When are you going to invite that guy who drives you in?" He asks.

"I do, he just doesn't want to," I shrug.

"Well you always use to talk about how hot he is."

"Hang on," I say running outside, Harry is still sitting in his car, I knock on the window and wave to ask him to come inside, he obliges for the first time ever, he follows me up to the bar.

"Tyler this is Harry. Harry this is Tyler, if you want a drink, ask him," I say cheerfully.

"Gurl, you kept him all to yourself, I can see why but, why?" I just laugh as Tyler has eye sex with the hottest guy in the bar right now, "damn."

If it wasn't Friday then I'd hate today, tons of people fill the bar in the darker hours of the night and it's just me manning the bar, I'm glad when I get out of there, I start walking, not even noticing Ashton's car parked right at the door until he blares the horn, I jump around but smile when I see him.

"Didn't see you yesterday," I say, jumping in the front seat.

"I was sort of avoiding you because of Wednesday, I'm sorry but he-"

"Ashton, it's okay, you said you wouldn't bring up Michael and yeah."

"Yeah," we drive in silence for a few minutes until I speak up, letting my spontaneous self, my favourite self speak up.

"Wanna go to a party? We could go to the frat," I sound so excited I have to think if I really said that or if Perrie is hiding in the backseat, she's always excited.

"Um," Ashton thinks, surprised but my sudden suggestion,

"Common, lets get wasted," I convince him, he smiles and asks the rhetorical question, why not? He pulls up at my apartment anyway, apparently his car hasn't seen the good side of parties and its an excuse to walk me home afterwards.

As soon as we walk in we get handed red cups filled with alcohol and Ashton has girls hanging off him but he blows them off, "you can go off with them if ya want, I don't mind!" I have to yell as we pass the speakers but he just shakes his head no, but I can't hear what he says.

After an hour of drinking and us both completely drunk Ashton slurs, "lets do something."

"Shots!" I yell before giggling. I get some tequila and we both take shots, laughing after each one, after five I feel really dizzy and any attempt to make my vision clear and stop it from tipping is a failed attempt, a girl walks up and hangs off Ashton's arm, I grab him and pull he away, guiding him upstairs, "Niall!" I sing out, I think I remember him coming up here a few minutes ago.

Niall opens the door to Louis' bedroom, behind him in the smoky room sits Harry, Louis and Katy, a girl I don't really talk to but she seems nice and she's really pretty, Niall likes her, sometimes when we hooked up he'd fantasise about her, he's in love with her but they'd never get together, the closest he's got is kissing her, "hey," Niall says, his eyes red.

"You smoke?" I ask Ashton, finding it terribly hard to form words.

"Yeah," Ashton replies, having the same problem as me, his words slurred and slow.

"Come get high," Harry says, sounding calm.

Ashton and I don't talk much but when we do it doesn't make any sense, no one seems to mind, we laugh at each other and everyone else just continues convocation that I can't understand anymore. We stay there for a few hours, I'm not sure how long but I start to sober up, as in going from extremely drunk to very drunk but that doesn't matter because everyone in the room is stoned.

"Lets play truth or dare," Louis says.

"Lil, kiss Ashton!" Katy says as soon as Louis suggests we play.

"Michael," I manage to say clear enough but that doesn't seem to matter because even though it came out clearly, my head is foggy. I move over to Ashton, he ends up kissing my nose and I kiss his chin, we burst out laughing, lying on the ground, gasping for air kind of laughing, once I recover from my laughing fit I try and sit up but instead I black out.

Darkness covers my vision, its the weirdest feeling, I can't move, talk, see, hear, nothing, all I can do is remember I'm in a room with two guys that I've fucked multiple times, another guy that I'm friends with, a chick and a friend of my almost boyfriend that's drunk, everyone is as high as fuck. This feeling deletes time, in a second I'll wake up but it's really been hours and I'll have no memory of this feeling.

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