1: Nice Try, Mom

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"Eb, you sure you don't want me to take you?" My mother asked. 

"No Mom, I'm a grown woman. I'm trying to be independent." I said with a bit of annoyance in my tone.  "That's why I'm going anyway." I added. I really shouldn't still be living with my mother at this age--or at least that's what I believe. 

Our family has always been this way. We mature very early. We're ready to take on the world at a very young age. I don't think I should be twenty two years old and still living here in Atlanta with my goddamn mother. I'm trying to explore other parts of the world. I've been here way too long. So now, I'm moving across the country to California where I can ensure my independence.

"Ebony, you're growing up too fast." She whined. "Why're you in such a rush to get out?" I sighed.

 We've talked about this many times before. "Mom, I've got this. I'm an adult. And if this is about me leaving you, you've got Daddy. I'll always visit. I promise." I said, packing my last bag and trying my very best to avoid eye contact.

I could feel her stare. "What if something happens to you? What if you're in trouble and you nearly die? Huh? Who's gonna be there to help you out? Who's gonna heal you?" she said in a frustrated tone.

Who is she? God? I can "heal" myself, what the hell?

I sighed, "You need to get this through your head, Ma. I'm not six anymore. I don't need you to give me a band aid every single time I scratch myself up a little. I can live with battle scars. Like I just said, I'm an adult!" I said, raising my voice a little. I'm not the type to fight with my mother (because I'm black), but this time seemed to be an exception. 

"Okay. I give up." She sighed. "Ebony Foster, you are an adult and you do whatever you want. Just know that the earth is round, not square. There are absolutely no corners for you to hide in." She was all nonchalant and shit. I knew right after she said  that, I fucked up. But I'm an adult. I've got this.

 I opened the door hesitantly. "Bye Mom. I love you." I said. She waved like I'd be coming  back in a few minutes with her infamous "you're gonna regret this" face. And that's when I headed out with all my bags.


As I walk, I can't stop thinking about what she said. I'm pretty much afraid of everything now. She always makes me feel dumb or like I don't know what I'm doing. 

She always makes me feel guilty in a way. She's always making me feel like the bad guy, y'know? I really am taking everything she said into consideration. Everything. I then stopped by the street lights in front of some tall bushes. I don't know what's behind there. Houses? Stores? I don't know.

It's rush hour. I couldn't cross the street without dying. Cars flying past at a spped that would cause certain death.

I heard rustling in the bushes."What the hell?" I mumbled to myself. It was probably a squirrel or something. I don't know. I just left it alone.

More rustling. In the same place--I could tell.

Don't squirrels move around? Spread out? Leave?

I began to feel worried. It's because of what Mom said I'm cautious about everything. I cant breathe too hard, I can't walk too fast, I can't stop to tie my shoe, I can't do anything.

I felt something grab me.

I screamed as I was being pulled through the bushes.

How the fuck did no one see that?

All of a sudden, I'm behind the bushes with a gun to my head and my hands being cuffed. I'm breathing hard and mentally losing control. What would you do if you had a gun to your head?

My instinct was to scream. But I couldn't find it in me. I couldn't find anything in me, really. I could barely breathe. It all happened so fast and in all honesty I'm still trying to process what's happening.

"You scream, you die." A deep, manly voice growled in my ear. This might not be the time, but his voice was really sexy. I'm sorry, but I have some kind of man fetish. It's complicated.

"P-please don't kill me." I stuttered and pleaded. I couldn't stop the tears from falling as I strruggled to catch my breath. I was ready to pee on myself, to be honest with you. But I'm not going to. I'm an adult and I was made for situations like this. I have to prove it to myself and to my Mom. It's time for that "healing" stuff my mom was talking about. I've got this.

On second thought, Mom was right. She was absolutely right. I clearly don't have this.

Now that I think about it, she probably set this all up. It's a test. The gun is fake. I know it's all fake.

I kept my sanity as I caught up with my breath. 

Ha, she thought she would outsmart me? Seriously though. Why would she even try to scare me like that? She usually wouldn't even stoop down to that level.

I don't understand why she would do something like this, though

Next thing you know I'm being thrown into the back of a Black Ford. The man straddles me and puts duct tape over my mouth. He got off me, slammed the door, started the car, then took his sweet time getting to the driver's seat

I couldn't see the man's face because he had a mask on. I saw his arms, though. He was wearing a muscle shirt, which I have to admit was so so sexy. 

He had a tattoo with Roman numerals that looked like my birthday and he was quite buff if you ask me.

I think I've just been kidnapped... What the fuck?

Mom, you really didn't think this through. I know exactly what's gonna happen.

Nice try though.

P.S - I know my story IS NOT the best so... I'm sorry if you don't like it I understand.



6/24/2016--im editing every single chapter

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