15: Second Chances

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Chresanto's P.O.V-

Another night without Eb in my bed. I wish she'd sleep with me.

I'm tired of being alone in this bed.

I can't sleep. I keep thinking about her. I've never been able to stop. Today was just the best day for me. After breakfast, we played some video games and stuff. I even let her play GTA V

She's so damn beautiful, man, you don't even know. I hope to give her a shit load of babies. I just want a CJ--Chresanto Jr.--and a baby girl to be completely honest. Then I'll be satisfied. But more is fine with me.

I'd please that woman in so many ways, she needs to just let me do it. I'd massage her, cook for her, run her hot baths when she looks like she needs them, give her neck kisses, buy her what she wants when she wants it, all that good stuff. I'd do anything to please my baby. Anything. She wants it, she gets it. Same for my baby girl I hope to have soon. I'll spoil them both. My baby girl's not dating until she's 40, though.

As for my son, I'll teach him how to be like his daddy, I'll teach him every sport girls like to watch boys play, I'll teach him how to be smooth like his daddy, I'll teach him how to win ladies over, all that. Hell, they'll even have 'Beware of CJ. He's a lady killer' signs up in his school. I'll also teach him how to fight. He is to keep his hands off girls and defend himself as well as his sister. But, if a girl keeps fucking with him and decides to throw a punch, he's gonna have to beat a bitch. I wonder how his mom would feel about that, though. I smile at the thought.

This is the kind of shit that keeps me up all night.

I hear a light knock on the door. Obviously it's Ebony. But what does she want? Has she finally come to her senses and now she wants to be with me? I wouldn't be surprised.

"Come in, Ebony." I said as I watch the door slowly open.

"Hey, Chresanto. Did I wake you up?" She asked, sounding concerned and a bit scared. "Nope. What do you need?" I asked, sitting up. I noticed she had a bottle of water in her hand. "Do you have any medicine? Like, headache medicine?" She asked, looking all cute in her pajamas.

"Yeah, let me go get it. Have a seat." I said, patting the edge of the bed as I got up and walked to my bathroom. I opened the medicine cabinet, looking for my Excedrin PM. Finally, I spotted it. I picked it up and shook it to make sure there was some left.

I then walk towards Ebony, who'd been holding her head. I handed her the bottle of pills and sat beside her. "Thanks." she said, opening the bottle. "Be careful, that stuff will knock you right out." I said, watching her nod her head and take two pills out. She opened the bottle of water, closed the bottle and handed it to me. I went to go put it back and when I come back, she's chugging the water. I remember she never liked talking pills. Poor baby.

"So how'd you get a headache?" I asked, trying to remove the awkward silence in the room. "I don't know. I've been thinking a lot lately. Maybe that's why." She said. Thinking? I don't want her stressing at all. "Thinking about what? If you don't mind me asking..." I asked cautiously. "Plenty of things. My ex, my mother and father, high school, you..." she said. I smiled a bit at the fact that she even thinks about me. I don't care if the thoughts might've been negative, at least she's thinking about me.

"You think about me?" I asked, smirking at her as she looks straight into my eyes, making me happier. I love talking to Ebony because she's the type to look you in the eyes when you talk, unless she's ashamed of herself or sad.

"Every now and then, yeah." She said, laughing a bit. "I think a lot about the things we used to do and the relationship we had. It was pretty great." She said, looking back down, playing with her fingers. 

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