5: Overhearing (Part II)

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Ebony's P.O.V -

He loves me? That's just not normal. Who the hell beats and rapes the one they love? That's frustrating.

To make it worse, he tells his mom we're together! Who the fuck even does that?

What kind of game is he playing?

He has to be lying. You can't just do all that shit to someone and then say you love them! I honestly don't get it. I don't even know his name. How in the hell does he know mine? Too many questions that I can't even fucking answer.

And he thinks I love him? No. Just no. Someone who does the most disgusting shit to me. And then has the nerve to love me?

No. Never. Not a chance.

 I'd give a murderer a chance before him. A fucking murderer. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a goddamn murderer!

I'd rather rot in hell than be in love with him. I fucking hate this dude with a passion and I don't even know him!

Damn. I just wish he would kill me already.

Where's Mom when you need her?

His P.O.V -

Why would I even? Why did I? Why would I tell my mom we're together? Hopefully Ebony didn't hear me. I'm a bitch for doing this to her. Why did I do it in the fist place? Why the fuck am I asking you?

Anyways, today I'll leave Ebony alone. My baby needs some sleep. My cousin's coming over today and I have to look out for Ebony. I don't want her to hear anything. I tell this nigga everything. When I say everything I mean everything. He doesn't care. He'd do what I did...

What I did...

What the fuck have I done?

I just...

I hate myself. I just can't believe I did it.

Does she even remember me though? I wonder what she thinks of me.

I'm terrible. It stresses me out so much. Why did I have to do it?

Why would I do that to someone I love?

Yes, I love her. I really do. I love her more than I can even explain. I love her more than I can even fucking understand. Hence the reason I'm so confused. It's like my conscience tells me to do things I shouldn't to keep her with me. If I would've just approached her and shit and wait for her to warm up to me she would most likely leave.

I would try my best to spoil her; give her everything she wants. Tell her that I love her every single day. I'd just love her the exact same way I would want her to love me. Maybe even more. I'm not a bad guy, damn it. I'm not as much of a jackass as you think. It's just frustration that's gotten to me. I'm sorry if you saw me as anything but what I actually am... Or what I think I am.


The doorbell rang.

Ebony's P.O.V -

I hear a doorbell. This nigga actually invited someone over? How do you even get to this weird ass isolated place?

What the actual fuck? And these niggas were loud as fuck. These walls are so damn thin.

All I hear is "My niggaaaa!" What is this a family reunion? When's the last time they seen each other? I heard dapping and all that shit. "What you need to tell me, C?" One man said.

He sounded like he had a cold--like his nose was stuffed or some shit.

"Remember Ebony Foster?" Fat Lips (My nickname for my rapist) said.

"Yeah!" He said happily. "She was fine as fuck, man. She was by far the sexiest girl I've ever met. What about her?"

This nigga better not lie.

"She's... She's in... She's in the... Um... She's in a relationship..."


"With who?" The nigga with a cold said.


Is he fucking with me? Do I need to come out there?

Please just kill me. Kill me now.


k I edited this on 10/14/14. I hope you enjoy my shit because I worked hard to get this going. Bye.


6/24/2016--edited. thanks again for everything.

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