3: A "New Lifestyle"

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trigger warning - i talk about rape in this chapter.

Ebony's P.O.V -

I woke up sore, naked, and uncomfortable in that same closet. Once again, he just carelessly threw me in there. 

I have those stupid handcuffs on me once again. If you're wondering what happened, I think I was raped last night. Hell yeah I fought back but that was just a mistake. He got a knife and started cutting me while he was--you know. 

No doubt he dug that knife deep. Dealing with a suicidal past, I had been used to it. Just not where he did it.

Although it was raped, it was probably the best action I've ever gotten.

What makes it even worse is that the other men I've been with actually felt something for me. He did it better than any of them combined. This nigga probably doesn't even give a flying fuck about me!

Despite all that, I've been only thinking about one thing.


After last night I know for sure she didn't set this up.

She was right. This is the main reason I don't argue or debate with her. She always has to be right.

And other than that, last night was horrifying. What happened on his bed was the best and worst experience of my entire life.

It was a bit weird because the cutting felt... good? 

When he cut me I moaned louder than I did when he was actually, you know "giving it" to me.

I guess it's just because of my past (being bullied,constantly being called fat, ugly, dumb, slutty, etc.)

I was used to it. Cutting was my stress relief (even though I made a promise to my mom that I would not under any circumstances would I hurt myself in any way.) But that's another story.

Although it felt good, I knew it would hurt in the morning (or whenever I wake up.) And that it did. It hurt so fucking bad. I nearly screamed when I woke up.

Honestly, it was the Don't moan's and the Shut the fuck up's that made an impact on how he did it. I don't know why. It's just his deep, manly, controlling voice that took over. Like I said, man fetish.

It's just messed up because I was being raped.

His P.O.V -

I did it. I really did do it. I did what I had to do.

Anyways, my dick hurts and there's blood all over my damn bed. There was a bloody knife in my hand and she wasn't beside me.

I lost control last night.

I know I was excited but I didn't know what I was doing.

Despite the fact that I raped her, I hadn't realized that we had sex.

We really had sex.

The thing I'd been waiting for almost my whole life--to have sex with Ebony Foster. The most beautiful girl I'd ever met and the girl that every guy wanted to be with. And I got sex with her.

I feel so accomplished. I mean.. It wasn't sex... More like rape, but it's the same thing, right?


Anyways, I got to hear her moan, I saw her naked, it was just like I imagined; but better.

And I don't think she noticed but I stared at her the whole time. She's so damn beautiful.

Her moans were so light and precious. That was so great to hear. But she was also crying. The rest was sad. I had to hurt her. And I tried to be as gentle as possible. Well, as gentle as a rapist should be.

I just might like this new lifestyle.

But she won't.





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