2: I Did It

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Ebony's P.O.V-

I wake up after God knows how long. I'm uncomfortable and I have to pee. The last thing I remember is being pinched really hard in my leg.

 Obviously he's gonna let me go soon. I mean, Mom came up with this shit. I'm not even scared 'cause like I said, Mom set it up. I swear she's childish as shit. 

But at the same time, that's not my mother's work. I know this. She wouldn't do that but yet, she's a messed up, twisted kind of person. Kind of like me.

Sometimes I feel like I don't even know her. Seriously, I shouldn't be thinking about if she did it or not, I should know my mom, right? I can't wait to see her face when I tell her that I figured it out. 

She thought she could fool me? Ha. I'm not that gullible. I've been in the army for like, two years. C'mon Mama you knew that. Oh I just wish that man would touch me. You don't really wanna fuck with me.

That's when he slammed on the gas.

I fell over and the hand cuffs scratched me hard. "Shit!" I hollered. He ignored me.

As I lie on the floor of the truck, face down with bloody wrists like an emo, I felt something, well, someone grab me by my pants, giving me a wedgie. He picked me up out of the car and threw me on the ground. I groaned in pain with each move he made.

 Then he dragged me by my hair and I started screaming because, well, that shit hurt. But I guess he was pretending like he didn't hear me?

We were on a street called Monroe Drive. You will find that I am very observant.  This place looks empty as fuck. I've never seen this place in my life. And since when was there a Monroe Drive in Atlanta? I know every single street here, man. Or at least I thought I did.

I've been all over Georgia but I have never been here. I see a house. Not just any house, though. It's basically a mansion. This house was big. This dude must be rich. 

Ignoring the pain coming from my wrists and head, I look around for clues to where I might be. I'm surrounded by trees and there's only one house out here. Let me guess, we're in the middle of fucking nowhere?

After being dragged onto the porch, I noticed there had been no address, no mail box--nothing. I guess he wasn't liked that well enough to get mail. I see why.

The dragging and tugging on my hair continued as I scanned the house. He seemed like a poised man. No wonder Mama hired him. I bet he's gay. Something just tells me he is.

Now being dragged up the steps, the house got bigger. He has lots of space here. 

I just realized something--it was just winter in Georgia. It was pretty much blazing outside. Where are we? Savannah? This is weird.

After that, he opened a door to what was probably his room. After taking a look at his nice, clean room, I was roughly thrown by my hair into a closet. Luckily I didn't loose any hair. The closet was small--which is a big no-no because I'm very claustrophobic--and it seemed to have nothing unusual in it. I expected something weird to be in here like some bombs or guns or a sex doll, y'know? 

His P.O.V -

I did it. 

I can't believe I did it. Or did I? That seems nothing like the Ebony Foster I used to know. She was brave when I held that gun to her head. And when I told her she was gonna die, it seemed like she'd heard it all before. 

I just wish I hadn't started that way. I didn't feel like I had a choice, though.

I can't switch it up just yet. I wish I would've started with a simple "Hello," and a "do you remember me?" That would've led to a relationship and kids and marriage and all that good shit. But I couldn't risk her hating me.

Anyways, I wonder how she's doing in that closet. I remember her being claustrophobic. She's most likely going crazy in there. 

If she gets out of those cuffs I'm dead. Last time I checked she was strong and would give me a beating if she had to.

After a moment of thinking, I guess I should start.

I slowly approached the closet door, wondering if I should really do this. It's too late to stop now.

I turned the knob with shaky hands. I can't believe I'm doing this.

I did it. 

I turned the knob to only see her asleep. 

She looked so uncomfortable. I just wanted to let her sleep but I told myself I would do this.

I wish she would understand. You know what? She will. She's gonna understand when I tell her. But I just have to find the right time to. Until then she doesn't know a thing.

I let out a sigh and knelt down to her. "Wake the fuck up!" I shouted ads I shook her. She then woke up, frightened. 

I took the cuffs off of her and ripped the tape off of her lips (making sure I did it especially fast so it would hurt.) 

You're doing good. (Mental support so I don't start crying like a little bitch)

She seemed calm yet frustrated. That's the last thing I would expect from Ebony. Being calm is the last thing I would expect from anyone if they're being harassed.

I scanned her.

Same black locks. Same beautiful, soft caramel skin. Same plump ass...

"Well?" She spoke.

Same beautiful accent.

This has got to be her.

"Get the fuck up!" I shouted, giving her a look. Kind of like a "What the fuck do you mean? I wouldn't open the door if I wasn't gonna let you out" look.

I did it

Ebony's P.O.V -

"Get the fuck up!" He angrily shouted. I jumped just a bit as I got up cautiously.

Not being aware of anything around me for a minute I felt a stinging sensation across my face. As an instinct I let out a loud "What the fuck are you doing?"

He looked... Mad?

Why in the hell is he mad?

Did he just get slapped across the face? I don't think so.

"Did I tell you to speak?" He said angrily.

I stayed silent. I stayed still.

I shook my head.

"That's what the fuck I thought." he said, grabbing me by my neck and pushing me face down on his bed.

Hold the fuck up.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed

He started to pull my pants down. I screamed and started to cry a bit. I squirmed, trying to knock him off of me.

My mom took this shit too far.

His P.O.V-

I did it.

We did it.




6/24/2016--edited once again. changed the chapter name from "too far"  to "i did it"

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