13: Lets Talk (Part II)

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Ebony's P.O.V-

"Th-The what?" he asks, trying to comprehend what I just said.

"Your box. The one titled 'My love'. You know? The one with all the writings about me and pictures of me. The one where you constantly lie about loving me. Don't act like you don't know, Chresanto."

His eyes got wider as he sighed loudly. He covered his face as I continued.

"And I must say, that was really sweet of you. I mean, I know you don't mean any of it, but the thought of you meaning it is cool I guess." I said.

"Now let me ask you some questions, Chresanto." I said, looking straight at him. He wasn't looking at me, but I knew he could feel it.

"Okay, go." he sighed.

"How do you feel about me? Be honest--if you know how to do that." I said, giving him a bit of an attitude.

"Ebony..." he started, taking a deep breath.

Chresanto's P.O.V-

"Get comfortable, you're about to hear a whole lot." I said.

"I honestly... I love you. I know you don't believe it, but I know the truth. I know that I love you more than you understand. I love you enough to drive to Georgia to attempt to get you back almost every fucking day, Ebony." I was getting myself mad already. Only because I know she didn't appreciate it.

My face starts to turn red and before I flip this table, I take a breath and a smoke--all better.

"I hate you sometimes, y'know. I hate you because I can't have you. I hate you because you don't love me. You'll never love a stupid piece of shit like me." I stopped and closed my eyes, remembering every kiss we shared, every 'I love you', all that.

"A-And I kept trying to say sorry... Bu-But I always forgot what to say. You were too beautiful to approach." I said, smoking some more.

"But somehow, I found some confidence. Too much confidence. Then I ended up taking you from your home..." I stop and put my head on the table.

"I'm so sorry, baby." I mumbled.

"Excuse me?" she said.

Shit, "I-I said I'm sorry."

"As I was saying... I-I fell in love with you when we were like, ten. You know why?" I asked.

"No, why?" she asked, all her attention on me.

She's so beautiful, man.

"Because you were always there for me. Not only that, but you comforted me when I needed it. You told me jokes when I wanted to laugh. You did everything I wanted. You were everything I wanted. Hell, you still are to be completely honest." I said, leaning back in my chair.

She didn't say anything for a while. No eye contact, no smoke--nothing.

"Chres... I really..." she stopped. I smiled at what she called me. She hadn't called me 'Chres' in forever. It just felt good to know she was warming up to me... I think.

"Never mind." she said, sighing.

What's wrong, baby? What are you thinking about? I really wanna help her.

Just talk to me. I'm sorry.

"You, uh, you can sleep on the couch if you want." I said. Or you can sleep naked next to me. Either way is fine with me.

"Thanks." She said simply.

"Oh, um, I-I made you some... some chicken alfredo." I said, smiling at her. "I think it's ready." I said as I got up to check on it.

It was ready. I put it on a plate for her. I put some on a plate for me as well. I grabbed some forks and set it on the table. "Thank you. I... I love this stuff." She smiled.

Did I really just make her smile?

Her smile is so damn beautiful. I almost died at the beautiful sight. Her smile is breathtaking.

I love today so much.

I love you, Ebony.





edited 6/25/16

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