6: Overhearring (Part III)

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His P.O.V -

"So where she at?" Ray questioned, laughing at me.

I immediately regret even bringing her up. "She's here, man." I sighed.

My heart began to beat out of my chest. What the hell am I supposed to do now? How the fuck am I supposed to get this together? She's naked in my closet, do I just tell her to come out?

Ray's eyes expanded. "Seriously?" he asked like I didn't just tell him she was here. Something tells me he didn't believe me. Why? Because we're in San Francisco and last we heard she was still in Atlanta. "Man, I thought you was just playin'!"

"L-Let me get her..." I stuttered as I got up and walked towards my room.

Where do I go from here? Should I take her out my closet or...

No. I'm not going to.

I walk back into my screening room and sat back down.

"She's not here... I forgot, she went out..." I said.

Good job, Chres. Lying like a pro.

"Nigga, I know she's not here." He said as he laughed at me some more.

"She's not, I know. She went grocery shopping." I said with a smirk on my face. Yeah bitch I got you now.

I was about to get deep into this lie, too.

Ebony's P.O.V -

So I guess I'm grocery shopping, huh?

His bitch ass can't even bring me out. Might as well make the nigga with the cold believe him. I mean, if you can just lie to your mother like that you can lie to anyone, right?

I thought so.

Anyways, I'm dying inside right now. I need to shit and I haven't brushed my teeth in literally days.

This is the most trifling I've ever felt.

You see, I'm crazy about killing germs. Right now I'm insane.

I need to brush my teeth, eat some food, take a dump, etc. Just please let me have a minute of freedom.

I need to wash my fucking body. I don't know what Fat Lips has and he's obviously never heard of a condom.

I have nothing to do in this fucking closet but play with his ugly ass perverted trench coats and listen to this boring, creepy ass conversation.

"So what's she like now?" Sick Nigga asked.

"She really hasn't changed. She still loves the color blue, she still loves reggae music and Tupac, she still wants children, her favorite month is still July, her favorite holiday --no matter how many people would tell her it's not a holiday--is still her birthday... She's just the same, beautiful, silly old Ebony." he said in a happy tone, chuckling at the thought, I guess.

He just made me realize how much of a basic bitch I am.

He also just made me realize that he's 300% creepy.

How the hell does he know all this?

Where does he know me from?

I sure as hell don't know him. If I did know him I would've already beaten his ass.

I'm confused but I don't give a fuck because I'm tired, I need to shit, and need to clean myself.

Time for a nap.

An uncomfortable, cramped, cautious nap.

It's sad I have to do this rather than sleeping in my new house in California. I don't know where I am and my ass is numb from this carpet. Great.

Just fucking great.


edited on 10/14/14 blah blah blah.


edited again 6/24/2016

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