8: Serious

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Ebony's P.O.V -

I pace back and forth wondering what the hell he was thinking. What made him want to kidnap and rape me? What did I do to him? I didn't hurt him. He hurt me, but I refused to hit him or fight back.

So how much sense does it make for him to hurt me even more?

I mean he did apologize, but I didn't accept.

Then again. I didn't accept.

And again. Still didn't.

And again. But I didn't think it would matter.

I'm pretty sure that didn't hurt him.

Even if it did, that's no reason for him to kidnap, harass, and rape me. That's just too far.

That's beyond too far.

If he wanted to say something to me he should've just fucking approached me like a real nigga.

And now that I think about it...

That nigga loves me?

And he actually thinks about me?

Bullshit, he doesn't care.

Why would someone who cares, once again, hurt the one they care about or love or whatever?

What is he trying to do?

He's messing with my head. 

He's messing with me.

How fucking dare he?

Whatever his sick twisted game is I don't wanna be a part of it.

I want nothing to do with him.

Still pacing back and fourth, I think about how I'm gonna approach this issue.

Kick him in the nuts then cuss him out?

Or cuss him out and then kick him in the nuts?

I'll figure out a way.

Chresanto's P.O.V -

Driving home after I see my mom is fun because I always come home with gifts and food she makes and all that good shit.

I'm almost home but I thought I'd be nice and buy my baby something to eat. I'm pretty sure she's tired of Chinese.

I'm not sure if she likes Chick-Fil-A, but I sure as hell do.

So I got the food and was on my way home.

For some reason, I feel like Ebony's not there. I feel like she ran away or something. I don't really have camera's in the house.

I don't want her to leave, but I wouldn't blame her if she did.

Now that I think about it... I basically gave her the opportunity to run. The alarm's not set or anything.

I'd break down if she left me.

I'm sick and tired of being alone.

I want her to be with me so bad.

With her it's easier to sleep at night. In my closet or not.

I love her presence and if she's not with me...

I'd go crazy. I'd destroy everything in sight until I get her back. I'd fucking avoid everything and everyone other than her. I'd hunt her down and keep her forever...

Maybe I am a bit crazy. But good crazy.

Nah, I'm just in love. It's obviously not love on her side, but she also doesn't know how I feel. 

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