9: Finding Myself

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This whole chapter is in Chresanto's P.O.V (Point of View).

WARNING: By the way, this chapter includes sex sort of (kinda like talking about sex or whatever and being wet I guess) but I warned you, so look out if you don't like that type of shit. Enjoy.


The same thing kept repeating in my head.

You fucked up.

She'll never love you now.

I kinda knew I lost the chance of her loving me a long time ago.

But I just kept believing. I believed that if I tried hard enough she'd love me.

But if I keep playing this silly ass game with her, she'll never love me. Ever.

I think I might just quit and confess what I've been doing.. Like she doesn't already know.

But what she doesn't know is that I really do love her. I love her like a bee loves honey. I love her like a fat kid loves cake. I love her like advertisements love annoying us.

My point is, I love her.

I love her so damn much.

I'd take a bullet for her. I'd do anything for her.

Do you want to know why I love her so much? I don't think I've ever spoken on that.

I love Ebony because she's beautiful. Not only is she beautiful, she's independent and intelligent. She's so brave and she's just such a wonderful and nice person. She's not nice to me but before all this shit happened, I was watching her. It was a week before I kidnapped her and I swear she's a fucking sweetheart.

I remember like it was yesterday.

A little while ago

I'm visiting Georgia again to watch Ebony. She's so beautiful. She was heading to her job in some office.

Good thing I'm watching from my car where my windows are tinted. If she caught me staring, I wonder what she'd think. Would she remember me?

She's been working there for a while. And every time she leaves out of there she looks stressed as hell.

I hate seeing my baby all stressed and whatnot. I just want to cook her some chicken alfredo (I honestly don't know why, but she loves it) and warm up some tea and give her a back massage and just make love afterwards. And we'd probably smoke a few blunts during. That sounds like that soothing hippy shit Jacob does.

I can only imagine how beautiful her moan is. It's probably one of those cute little innocent moans that I just can't get over. She'd probably be so wet as I slowly go back and forth inside her.

She probably taste so damn sweet. Like a blueberry pomegranate smoothie.

I'd tear her clit up. I'd lick and rub it until she begs me to stop. Even after that I won't stop. I'd have her screaming my name. I'd have her arching her back like crazy.

And she'd probably bite her lip.

God, I love it when she does that. She's just so damn sexy when she does that I just--

Get over her, Chresanto. Your punk ass will never talk to her. She has a boyfriend, anyway.

I don't know anything about him but his skin completion is the same as mine. He's tall like me. Big lips like me. He's basically just like me from what I know. Why can't I be him?

I'd fuck her until she forgets his name. They'd be over by the time I'm done with her. I hate seeing him kiss her. I've seen them make out, I almost threw up at the sight. He's always all up on her. She needs some fucking space.

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