20: Waking Up/All Mine -- Captive Finale

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Ebony's P.O.V-

I don't know what the hell happened but I feel great.

 I feel so energized and I have no idea why. I feel so safe right now and... loved? I don't remember much but I feel so refreshed.

I woke up from a nightmare, though. I don't know where it came from but it scared the shit out of me. I hadn't thought about Chresanto in years. I wonder what might've triggered that.

I didn't know I was breathing so hard until it was acknowledged. "You okay, babe? You're breathing pretty hard." I hear a familiar voice ask. The same voice in that nightmare. 

Chresanto August.

Immediately I screamed and jumped out of my bed, trying to figure out what the hell he was doing in my house. Wait, is this my house?

"Whoa, whoa what's wrong?" He got out of the bed and tried to calm me down. "I-I had a nightmare." I said with my hand on my heart, feeling my heart beat faster and faster.

"Aw, come here." He said, pouting. He extended his arms to me. I went over to hug him as he kissed my forehead. He picked me up and rocked me like a baby. 

"You know you're safe as long as you're with me, baby." He soothed. We're together? How the hell did that happen? 

"What was your nightmare about?" He asked as he sat down on the bed with me in his lap. I hadn't known I was crying until that was acknowledge as well.

He wiped my tears as I hesitated to speak. I was kind of embarassed. "W-Well, you, uh, kinda kidnapped me and I was constantly abused and raped... by you. A-And you kept calling me a bitch and cut me and it really hurt." I said, sniffling.

He looked at me like I was psycho, then laughed. "Why would I do that?" He asked. I really don't know the answer to that question because, well, why would he? I mean, why would he do it again?

"I don't know. I mean, maybe because of high school and what happened before and stuff I really don't know." I started rambling. "I already told you, Eb, I'm sorry for what I did and I regret it every single day. I love you and I will never ever hurt you again." He said, kissing my cheek about thirty times.

"Okay, Chresanto. I'm sorry. I don't even know what's been going on lately. I honestly don't remember much before I woke up." I said.

"Well, before you woke up, you were drunk and you hit your head super hard on like, a brick wall. We were together at a party... Maybe I should refresh your memory. Go ahead and wash yourself up and get dressed and I'll help you out, okay?" He said, pecking my lips before letting me get up to go.

And with that, he showed me around our home, and told me about how we linked back up and how he apologized and how wonderful everything between us is and how one day we'd be married and everything and some of the plans he had for us. Chresanto August is a wonderful man. I will always love him.

Chresanto's P.O.V-

I drugged her. Now she's mine.

All mine.


I was so excited for this.


edited 6/26/16.

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