14: Reflection

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Just wanted to say thanks for 40k reads. I mean more than 40,000 people read my book and that's just a dream come true. Most will probably skip this part, but I appreciate you all. I hope this book continues to prosper and I hope I continue to prosper as a writer. Love you all.


Ebony's P.O.V-

I was surprised at how comfy this couch is. How the hell do you not fall asleep on this shit just sitting down on it?

I haven't been this comfortable in a while.

I might've been dreaming, but I think Chresanto kissed my cheek while I was asleep with his creepy ass.

 I mean, I wouldn't be surprised.

I watched Adult Swim all night 'til I fell asleep. Watched so Family Guy, Boondocks, American Dad, Aqua Teen--basically the good stuff.

He got up while I was still awake to get a late night snack.

And let me tell y'all... He is soooo toned.

I could wash my clothes on those abs.

And he had a huge boner in those boxers... I can't.

That nigga looks so sexy late at night... Or maybe I was tired.

Either way... Damn.

He must be on steroids.

I stretch, getting up to use the bathroom. I then smell bacon, automatically widening my eyes at the beautiful smell. Y'all don't know, I love bacon more than I love chicken alfredo--and I love chicken alfredo.

Suddenly, I thought Chresanto's down here, shit!

I gasp, running into the bathroom so he wouldn't see my bed head and my morning face.

"Ebony?" He called, not sounding too far away. "Is everything alright?" He asked.

When did this nigga get so damn polite?

"Everything's fine." I say turning around, jumping and hitting my head on the bathroom door.

"Shit!" I yell. He sits there--and I can't believe he even had the audacity--and starts laughing.

"Haha. Very funny." I say sarcastically, patting my head and trying to cover my face.

This nigga must think seeing the love of his damn life in pain.

As he's still laughing, he tries to tell me breakfast is almost ready.

I cross my arms, waiting for him to shut the fuck up.

But I gotta admit, he has the sexiest laugh ever.

But I don't like him.

Chresanto's P.O.V-

I'm laughing too hard right now.

Baby hit her head and it brought me back to the time when we were 13 and she did that.

She hit her head so damn hard and it's always been funny to me. But I still love her.

"I-I'm sorry..." I stopped to take a breath. Yo, she looked just as pissed off as she did when we were 13. 

"Remember when we were 13... A-And you did the exact same thing..." I said as I started tearing up.

I don't know why I'm laughing so hard but those were the days.

"Haha, fuck you." she said, mocking my laugh. She then went to the bathroom and closed the door in my face. I laughed loudly in front of the bathroom door until I hear "SHUT THE FUCK UP, CHRESANTO!" I think it's sexy when she's mad.

I walk away, going to finish the pancakes.


We sit at the table, me still laughing a bit.

"Dammit, you're so childish!" she tried not to laugh. She's so cute when she's trying not to laugh at something that's obviously hilarious.

"But you know it's funny." I laugh, watching her crack a smile.

She starts to giggle a bit. "That's not fucking funny!" she said, starting to laugh.

She's so cute it's unbearable.

Her laugh... I live for it.

She's so perfect.

I just love the fact that I'm making my baby laugh again. I wanna keep her smiling. I wanna keep her with me. I wanna lighten up on her now.

I wanna give her babies, if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

I wanna make love to Eb so damn bad.

This is only step 1 to my plan. My plan to get her back.

Step 1 is working out pretty well, I see.

I'm proud of you, Chres.

Ebony's P.O.V-

This reminds me of when we were kids. We'd always be laughing and stuff an holding hands and looking into each others eyes... But we're just laughing. None of that lovey-dovey bullshit. I don't like him that much.

Nigga better be happy I'm laughing with him.


The chapter's called 'Reflection' b/c it's reflecting to when they were kids, if you were wondering.

I love you all so much. Thanks again for 40k+ reads. I appreciate it.

Love y'all. Bye



edited 6/25/2016

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