11: Love Letters (Part II)

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Thank you guys for all the support! To all that say "Thank you for becoming a writer," or "You're an amazing writer," you don't know how much I'm touched by that and thank you soooooo much.💞

Ebony's P.O.V-

Letter To My Love

Baby, I love you.

Baby, I want you.

Baby, I need you.

Ebony, you're the most amazing person I've ever met. You're a kind-hearted, beautiful, perfect human being and I absolutely adore you.

You're all I dream about.

Hell, I'm probably dreaming about giving you children right now if you know what I mean.

I can't wait until that happens.

And trust me, baby. It will happen.

You'll see how much I love you soon enough.

You'll feel pleasure almost every day.

You'll smile everyday. I promise.

And this time, I won't hurt you.

I'll never hurt my delicate little flower ever again.

I know you're fragile, and I'll treat you that way. I'll treat you like I need to take care of you and watch out for you at all times. Like a glass, I guess.

This would be a lot easier if you didn't leave me..

Why did you leave? I only hurt you once.

I shouldn't be over here crying like a punk ass.

But what can I say? I'm in love with you.

You're sweeter than honey. Brave as a soldier, Beautiful as--still can't figure it out.

My point is I love you. I love you enough to take a bullet for you. I'd do anything to make you happy. Anything, baby.

No matter how far I have to go.


Anything for me? More like anything to me. You'd hurt me to show me you "love" me? That's bullshit.

You guys know he's not in love with me and so do I, so that's all I need.

I also read this letter he wrote and one part really stood out.

"I'd make love to you every other day. I'd kiss your soft lips like before. I'll rub your scars rather than make more. I will love you, Ebony. I promise."

He's lying. He doesn't love me and if you don't agree, fuck you and your opinion.

He'll probably hurt me some more later.

The thought if him "loving me" just makes my stomach fucking cringe.

Chresanto's P.O.V-

I love her so much.

I love her so much.

I love her so much.

I love her so much.

My baby, my everything.

I just wanna talk to her.

I want to set things straight.

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Shit, I don't even know who I am.

I'm confused about fucking everything.

I still need to find out who I am before I talk to her..

Will I talk to her? Will I even have the courage?

C'mon, Chres you are not about to turn into that punk ass fuck boy again.

Man she fucking hates me. She hates everything about me.

I slap myself a few times. I groan in pain.

"Busting a nut out there, Chresanto?" I hear her laugh at herself. That's not funny. That's aggravating.

"What the fuck did you say? You may know who I am but you may also know that I can beat the shit out of you." I say as I throw the remote at the door. I'm actually getting a bit better at being intimidating and pretending I hate her

"Stupid bitch." she mumbled.

"Why don't you come the fuck out the closet and say that to my fucking face. See how fast you get your ass beat." I smirk to myself.

Honestly, the only thing that'll be getting beat is her pussy when I get her to love me.

Then she said something that basically just ruined my whole entire fucking life--like flappy bird--She said "But you love me too much to do that."

It remained quiet for a while.

"You wanna bet, babygirl?" I say after a minute of silence. She most likely heard it but ignored it. Maybe she was scared.

I sighed. This isn't how I imagined it. My time with her was supposed to be amazing. But it's just a piece of shit. I'm frustrated and seriously need a fucking nap.


Chresanto's a mean nigga now smh. I wonder what's happening next chapter. Will he lighten up? Will he fuck her? I don't know. You'll have to fucking read the book.

To be honest, I have all the chapters done, but I'm not getting enough votes, comments, or reads.

But yeah you can always comment more than once but I'd like to hear from more than one person.

I'm not really TM anymore but this story barely has to do with Mindless Behavior anyways. Just the names and the appearances. I still love Mindless Behavior. Just a lot less. They will always be my babies. But yeah I'm a Belieber now and you can follow my tumblr // jusztinbieber.tumblr.com

I think that's about it.

Thanks beauties! -Chazney💞


edited 6/25/2016

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