4: Overhearing (Part I)

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His P.O.V -

It's only been two days and I've smacked her more times than I was smacked as a teen. We did it again and I cut her a few times more.

I cooked myself some lunch, unaware of the fact that she might smell it and get hungry. I don't want her hungry. If she gets hungry I'm gonna have to feed her. If I feed her I'ma have to lighten up.

I have an idea. I'll just order her some Chinese and throw it at her like a jerk. Perfect.

I reached for my phone. As soon as I touch it, Buzzzz It vibrated. I flipped it over to see a picture of my beautiful mother. I pick up the phone. "Hellooo?" I sang.

"Hey, baby! How you been?" She said, all bubbly and excited.

"Hey, Mommy. I'm doing really good." I smirked, referring to Ebony.

My mom doesn't know about the whole kidnapping thing. She didn't raise me to be like that and she knows I know better. I know I know better. This is the main reason I don't tell her about most of the things I do. But she knows about Ebony.

"That's good. You still married?" she asked. I let out a big sigh. "Ew, Mom. That slut" I said, disgusted. "I caught her sleeping with another man last year. And it's not even the first time this has happened. she's done this 9 times and counting. I forgave her 8 times and the last time I was just done." I finished.

"Ooh, baby I'm sorry to hear that. Any new ladies in your life?" She asked, hoping I'd say Ebony.

I heard in the background her pulling out a chair to sit in. My mom could talk for hours if she wanted to. Her life just never gets boring. She can talk about anything from animal cruelty to zippers on jackets.

"Yeah... She's super beautiful." I said, referring to Ebony once again.

"Oh really? What's her name? How old is she? Have you two done anything..." She asked a million questions.

"Mom. I can only answer one question at a time!" I said with a little chuckle.

"Okay, okay." She cooed. "What's her name?" She asked.

"Ebony..." I said lowly. Only because she would hear me.

She continued with the questions as I answered them all loud and proud.

Well... Not loud, but you know what I mean.

Ebony's P.O.V -

I'm in a closet still with nothing to do but breathe. What the hell was I supposed to be doing that lead me to here anyway? 

Oh yeah... Moving

Making the biggest mistake of my entire life. Did I forget to mention? I have a boyfriend in California waiting for me.

Still sitting quietly I hear a phone vibrating. That's how quiet it was. And it was funny how he answered because he was singing it like he was happy with himself. Ha, if I were him, I'd probably stab myself in the balls. Who raised this bitch?

And that's when I heard "Hey, Mommy..." the rest I didn't give a fuck about. I was a bit pissed off because... I don't even know. Maybe it's just the fact that he talks to his mother like he's innocent.

But he's not.

Later in the conversation, I hear my name. I hear "She's twenty two, we've done it... Twice,"

No we have not "done it" at all. He raped me. There's a big ass difference between "doing it" and being fucking raped. Why would he even tell his mother lies like that?!

Well... That is sort of like sex. But I don't consider it actual sex.

"Mom, I swear one day. One day it will happen again. I love her. And hopefully... Hopefully she loves me too."

Hell no.




6/24/2016--edited again, still nostalgic haha. thanks so much for reading and making 2013 a great year for me. much love from me to you.

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