19: Sweet Dreams/I'm Yours

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Chresanto's P.O.V-

She's been asleep for quite a while. She hasn't had anything to eat since yesterday and I'm getting a bit worried. If she doesn't wake up, I'm done. If she dies, I die. It'll be my fault if she's dead. I did this to her.

I felt under her nose to make sure she was still breathing.

It took a while. I couldn't feel a breath.

I started to panic. Tears developed and I started breathing really hard.

Three seconds later.

I felt her exhale. 

I've never been so relieved in my entire life. If she were to die, I'd have to explain to so many people. And what I planned for us would never happen.

"Eb, you scared the shit out of me. Don't do that." I whispered in her ear. She won't wake upany time soon, so I can say what I want. She can hear what I'm saying but it's not like she knows what's going on.

I should know, I'm the one that--never mind.

Moving on, I just want Ebony to forgive me. And she will. Just watch.

I start to run my hand up and down her side. "I hope you know how much I love you, Ebony August." I say as I laugh a little. I'm used to calling her Ebony August. "I mean Foster. Ebony Foster. You already know I do that a lot... We're getting married, y'know." I say, caressing her hip.

"We'll have children one day, Eb. At least two. You cool with that?" I ask, remembering that she can't answer. "Two." she mumbled, still asleep. I told you she can hear me. Now she's dreaming about it.

I'm getting my Ebony back. The Ebony I've always wanted. She won't be afraid of me. She'll love me almost as much as I love her. She'll say silly shit like 'I love you more' knowing she can never love me more than I love her. Never. She can try, but she really doesn't know how much I love her. You don't either.

You may think I'm crazy and creepy and whatnot, but I swear I'm not. I'm just in love. I can't get over her. Every single time I try, it never works. I regret every bad thing I've done to her.

"I love you. And you love me. We're in love, y'know? Everything is how it's supposed to be. We're gonna be happy together I promise." I grinned.

"Ebony, I want you to know that I'll never hurt you. Never again. I'll comfort you and if you ever need me, just know I'll be there. When you're sad, I'll be there. When you're angry, I'll be there. When you're happy, sick, depressed, furious, all that, I'll be there. I love you and I just want you to forgive me. I'm begging you, Ebony. I know you already said you forgive me and all, but I really want you to say you forgive me from deep down in your heart. I want us to be together."

"Chresanto, I love you." she mumbled.

All I wanted to hear. And I'm done with what I needed to do. I got what I wanted.

She's mine.

All mine.


next chapter is the last one.

im excited.


edited 6/26/2016.

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