Nothing I Can't Handle

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Okay! We're headed back to Huntington after this :D

Zacky wasn't the least bit surprised that he'd taken Vix all the way to Big Bear with him. She made the drive more bearable and kept his mind off of his own heartbreak. Thinking he needed some food for his stay, he pulled into a parking spot at the Stator Bros grocery store.

"You coming in?" he asked as he put the car in park.

Vix shifted nervously not knowing what to expect. "I think I'm going to get out and stretch my legs," she said opening the door to find the significant temperature drop and closed it quickly. "What the hell is up with California weather?"

"We're in the mountains. Of course it's going to be colder."

"Well I didn't exactly pack for that," she said frustrated.

"What's the matter?  No snow in Austin?"

"Actually no, there isn't."

He leaned over to the back seat and pulled his favorite worn Vengeance University hoodie and handed it to her. "This should help."

She looked at it and then back at him before taking it. "Thank you," she said pulling it on slowly. It was warm and fuzzy on the inside and had his natural scent all over it.

He smiled "So you coming in?"

"I think I'm going to make a call first," she said "I'll meet you inside after."

He nodded and made his way out of the car. Vix watched as he got as far as the door before two teenage boys stopped him. She chuckled to herself as she dialed. Renee picked up on the first ring.

"It's about fucking time," her friend said into the phone.

"I texted you to let you know I was fine," Vix replied.

"Yeah but you left me hanging after you told me you got into a car with Zacky fucking Vengeance."

"I didn't think that was the important detail at the time."

"That was the only important detail you've told in this mess you've made."

"Really? So the fact Josh took all my money means nothing."

"You have no money?" her friend asked incredulously.

"I have the 60 bucks that was on me this morning. That's why I need your help."

"Okay I'll help you but you've got to give me the scoop on Vengeance once we're done."

"Seriously? There is no scoop."

"Of course there is. He's a famous rockstar."

"Point taken," Vix replied "Are you going to help me or what?"

"What do you need?"

"I need Alice's phone number in San Bernardino. And I need to see if you can find my credit union so I can grab some money from my savings."

After about ten minutes of internet searching for the closest branch of her credit union, sharing details about how Zacky looked and smelled in person and changing into her favorite yoga pants, Vix finally exited the car. She felt better about the fact that she at least had a plan. Now all she had to do was hope like hell that Zacky didn't get rid of her before she could get a hold of Alice. And if he did, she'd deal with it. It wouldn't be the first time she'd have to fend for herself. She'd been in and out of foster homes and shelters ever since she came home on her 16th birthday to find that her mother had taken off with her alcoholic boyfriend. Yeah Vix had spent more than her fair share of nights sleeping on couches and floors around Texas. But she'd done okay. She managed to graduate high school top of her class and had even managed a few years of art college on a scholarship, which was the longest she'd ever spent in one place. Sure Josh was right. She did have abandonment issues. She was afraid to get close to anyone for fear that they'd take off on her but was that a bad thing. Was it so bad that she protected her heart above anything else?

Hell no.


Zacky perused every aisle grabbing necessities, oreo cookies, regular beer (not low calorie), Gatorade, peanut butter crackers and Red Bull. Things that Meaghan never liked to have in the house. He could see Vix had finally made it into the store but was on her cell phone by the lottery ticket machine. She didn't look particularly happy. He wondered what was up.

"Problem?" he asked after she approached him after about 5 minutes of him spotting her.

She put her hands in the pocket of the hoodie "No, no problem," she said quickly but then amended "Well maybe a little problem but nothing I can't handle."

"Like you've been doing a great job of handling so far?" he couldn't help but say.

"You could be a little supportive," she said as she looked down at the contents of his cart "Beer and Gatorade? Because happiness and electrolytes are both important."

He chuckled but stayed on topic "Did you get a hold of your friend in San Bernardino?"

Her expression fell "Yeah about that...Her phone was disconnected. Apparently she moved without telling me." She shrugged and attempted a smile but he knew it bothered her.

"That fucking sucks," he offered sincerely "So what are you going to do now?"

She took a deep breath wondering if he really cared or if he was just asking to be polite. Probably the latter. "Oh I'll think of something," she said pulling the card down the rest of the aisle.

Zacky watched her hold her head up high and walk down the supermarket aisle. As far as he knew she didn't currently have much money to her name. She had no car, job or boyfriend to help but here she was looking confident and brave. And he'd been sulking and running away because his wife had just cheated on him. Yeah that sucked and sure his heart was broken but he had money. He had the greatest job in the world. Supportive friends. A car and not just any car but the most badass collection of cars around. He had his own home to go and many others he could seek comfort in if he needed.

"Hey Vix," he called and she turned looking adorable in his oversized hoodie.

"Yeah?" she asked slowly.

He gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm're kind of in a bind here and well....this is what I'm going to suggest....."

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