What Am I Going To Do With You

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"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Zacky said in a low voice as they walked into the small bar.

Vix could barely hear him over two college aged boys singing a horrible version of Justin Timberlake's "Sexy Back."

She frowned. "It was the least you could do for your adoring fans."

He made a gun out of his thumb and pointer finger and aimed it at his head "You're just determined to kill me, aren't you? First the pan and now this."

"Oh shush, quit being grumpy. Besides, it'll be good for you to get out and socialize. You don't need to lock yourself in the cabin moping."

"Who said I was moping?" he asked annoyed. "Besides it's only been a couple of days since we got here. I've socialized with other people."

"I don't count," Vix said, thinking about the the last two days she'd spent with Zacky walking around the small town and the nights they spent talking about anything and everything they could think of. Sure it had been great but she knew he needed to get back out there if he wanted to change the perception he thought people had of him. She'd chosen to accept the invite of some young folks who recognized him in the restaurant they frequented.

"And hanging out with co-eds does?" he replied in a low voice bringing her focus back on him as they approached.

"Would you feel better if we would accepted the invite to bingo with the old folks?" she cracked.

"Oh wow, you came," a male voice called and Vix turned to smile at the young man who had crashed their previous dinner and invited them to karaoke at the Barn Grill.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Vix said happily "Right, Zacky?"

Zacky didn't look convinced but he managed a slow smile that made her pulse race. "Yeah definitely. I was just telling Vix here we needed to get out more, even though she wanted to head back to the cabin and stay in."

Vix narrowed her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

"Well we're glad you're here," the tall blonde in the group offered. Brook was her name if Vix remembered correctly and the boys were Jack and Allan.

"Can I get you a beer, man?" Jack asked Zacky.

"Sure," Zacky replied taking off his coat and hanging it over the chair in front of him.

Vix elbowed him "Loosen up. You are physically capable of having fun, aren't you?"

"I think I've reached my quota for the year," he deadpanned and she laughed.

"Here you go," Brook handed Zacky the beer and her hand lingered longer than she should have as Jack gave Vix a bottle.

"Thanks," he said taking a large sip.

"The town is buzzing," Brook said excitedly "Every body has been talking about you being in town. Will you be staying long?"

Zacky seemed to take it in stride that everyone knew he was there. "I'm not sure actually. Depends on a couple of things."

"So...is your wife here in Big Bear?" she asked batting her eyelashes not wasting any time.

Zacky shook his head "No she's not."

The girl's eyes widened with hope "Oh wow, so you are here....alone."

Zacky looked at Vix who was enjoying the scene "I'm not alone."

"Oh," she said looking from Zacky to Vix "So you two?"

"Yeah," Zacky nodded moving a step closer to Vix and took her hand."Us two."

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