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Happy New Year!

Vix looked at the women around her. They were cooking and chatting up a storm and they included her as if they'd known her forever. It was an unsettling feeling because other than Renee, she never really had any friends. Friends meant roots and she never had the luxury of putting roots down anywhere.

"So Luce," Lacey asked as she stirred something in the sauce pan "Have you started any wedding planning at all?"

Vix turned to see Lucy's face. Sure enough the discomfort was clear. "Not yet," Lucy sighed.

"I thought you would be all over that," Lacey said.

"Me too," Zoey chimed in "What gives?"

Lucy seemed to be thinking of a way to explain "It's a circus. Matt and his mom and even my mom for that matter, they want this HUGE wedding."

"Who doesn't want a huge wedding?" Lacey asked and then turned to Vix. "Am I right?"

Vix chuckled "Uh I've never thought about it but yeah, sure..."

Lucy shook her head. "It just seems like we're doing it more for everyone else than us."

"Uh huh," Lacey said  "And I'll bet you haven't said a word to Matt about it."

Lucy's eyebrows crashed together "What makes you think that?"

"Only years of knowing the shit you and Matt have been much missed communication..ever since we were in high school."Lacey said.

"Wait," Vix said quickly "You two have been together since high school? I thought he was married."

Lucy shook her head. "We dated in high school but we broke up and then he married Val."

"You broke up and then got back together years later?" Vix asked.

"Well yeah...I was pregnant when we broke up and well...long story short, we got back together after I introduced him to Charlie," Lucy explained.

"I see...I think," Vix replied "And you were married too...right? Before I mean." she turned to Zoey.

Zoey stuck out her tongue playfully "Yeah."

"To a pop star!" Lacey cried and the women laughed.

Vix was fascinated "Really? Which one?"

"Um Lee Eriksen...." Zoey said opening the oven to check the turkey.

"Oh my God, he's one of my favorite singers," Vix cried but her excitement quickly died when Zoey's face was agitated. "Oh no I'm sorry. He sucks. Like really bad. Hate that guy."

"It's okay," Zoey chuckled "He is a good singer. Just a real douchebag in real life."

Vix gave a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't how did you hook up with Brian? I mean you've known him all your life...did you just wake up one day and say 'I love that dude'?"

"Even better," Lacey said "They got married in Vegas while he was still dating Michelle....after a drunken night together....on the weekend we were celebrating Zacky's engagement."

"To his first wife," Lucy explained. "Gena."

"And let me get this straight," Vix tried to sort out. She pointed to Zoey "You stole Brian from Michelle...who is tht twin of Val...who" And she pointed to Lucy "you stole Matt from?"

"Steal is such a horrible word," Zoey said considering. "I like to think we were soulmates and it was meant to be."

"And Val and Matt were already separated when I came along," Lucy added.

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