Just Sex

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The birds woke Vix in morning as the sunlight spilled into the window across Zacky's serene sleeping face. It was considerably a lot warmer in Huntington Beach than it was in Big Bear and she was thankful for that. It was odd though...the fact that she was practically homeless and jobless and  was sleeping in a rockstar's bed...a bed that he probably shared with number 2 up to the day she met him.

Just that thought was enough to make her want to get into the shower with the hottest water and scrub her skin until it bled. Okay so maybe that was being overdramatic but still. She tossed the blankets back and carefully climbed out. She grabbed her cell phone as she scurried to the bathroom.

She closed the door as quietly as she could behind her and dialed Renee's number.

"Hello stranger, I've been trying to get in touch with you for days. Are you ok?" Renee's concerned but casual voice joked.

"I'm fine. I'm really sorry , I didn't mean to go completely off the grid." Vix said lowly.

"Uh huh, let me guess..there's no signal there and you can't dial the cabin phone from the bedroom where you've apparently been spending all your time with that hot piece of guitar ass."

Vix chuckled "Exactly."

"Uh huh...so tell me when do you plan to leave that cabin of sex to come home?" Renee asked.

"Actually I'm not in Big Bear anymore..."

"You aren't?"


"Then where are you?" Renee asked slowly. "Actually..."

"Actually I'm in Huntington Beach."There was silence on the line and Vix added "California."

"I know where Huntington Beach is, Victoria," she reprimanded. "Do you want to tell me what you're doing there?"

"I was invited."


"Yeah...there's a New Year's party and he asked me to come home with him."

"And you just went? Do you even want to be there?"

"I actually don't know," Vix said looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"You don't know..."

"I don't know...I mean one second I'm stranded on the side of the road. The next I'm being picked up by a rockstar...and then I smack him on the head with a sauce pot, and we get into a bar fight....he rescues me from dying and we wind up in bed....then his friends show up and I have Christmas dinner with them and his family...and then boom, here I am sleeping in the same bed as his wife," she rambled on hyperventilating.

"Woah...woah...slow down...okay...it's not as bad as it sounds....I mean it could be worse."

"Really? How?"

"Oh wow, Vixen...don't ask that. Do I need to remind you about Dennis Luscia? He stalked you for two months."

"This is worse...."

"How can screwing Zacky Vengeance's brains out on a regular basis be worse? Unless...he's got a small dick..."

"No!" Vix cried "He doesn't have a small dick."

"Then is it too big?"

"What? Are you crazy? No it's not too big."

"Then what...is he bad in bed?"

"No Renee, seriously...focus...this is bad."

"But WHY is it bad?" Renee said loudly. 


"Not a good enough reason...."

"He's married."

"His wife cheated on him."

"So that just complicates things more."

"Only if you let it. Just enjoy it while it lasts. Why are you letting this bug you so you so much?"

Vix touched the necklace softly "He gave me a necklace."

"Jewelry? Why would he give you jewelry?"

"I asked for a present for Christmas...but seriously I was just thinking of candy or flowers."

"You wanted candy or flowers from Zacky Vengeance?"

"Well yeah...I certainly didn't expect a necklace...with his birthstone," Vix trailed off.

"Oh shit...you're getting all sentimental and shit."

"I am NOT."

"Yes...you are...that's why you're panicking. You're actually...falling for this guy."

"I'm not. I don't do that....ever...normally I mean."

"Zacky isn't a normal guy."

"But he isn't an available one either." Vix pointed out as she moved to the bathroom counter and pulled her toothbrush from the small makeup bag where she kept her stuff

"Good point."

"What should I do?" Vix pleaded.

"Aww honey, I can only tell you what I would do but I can't tell you what you should do. I mean..I can tell you what I would do."

"Which is? I mean we're both in crappy places right now."

"Then do exactly what I said...enjoy it while it lasts. It's just sex. Look at it that way."

Vix looked around the large bathroom...the glass shower looked inviting.  "Just sex. Got it."

 After a few more minutes of chatter, she ended the call. While she spread the paste on the brush, Zacky walked in half naked, hair sticking up in all directions and his tattooed hand adorably rubbing the sleep  from his green eyes. 

"Good morning," he said in a rough voice as he grabbed his own toothbrush and joined her.

Vix's heart jumped at the sight of him but she reminded herself that she needed to stay cool. 

Just sex, she said internally. It's just sex.

Yeah right.

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