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"What are you doing here?" a squeaky female voice called after Charlie and Kate as they made their way into the afternoon drama club meeting.

Charlie was surprised because she didn't know anyone in drama other than Hayden. When she and Kate turned around, she found Skipper from her Chemistry tossing her shiny blond hair and glaring. 

"I was invited," Charlie replied confidently.

"Really?" Skipper scoffed "To audition? And I'm sure that you think just because your dad is famous that you can march in here and take a part from someone who's been busting their ass all semester to be the lead?"

"No way," Charlie said quickly.

"I'll bet you think that if you bust out with one of those heavy metal songs, you'll get the part."

Kate looked annoyed "What the fuck is your problem Claire?"

Charlie looked at her friend and mouthed  "Claire?" How the hell did Kate know Skippers name?

"My problem is, Katie, that this one," she jabbed her thumb in Charlie's direction "Thinks she's entitled to everything because her father is famous."

"Woah," Charlie said putting her hands up in defense "That totally isn't true. I'm here because Hayden..."

"Hayden?" Claire cried

"What?" came his deep voice "Oh hey made it."

"You actually invited them?" Claire asked annoyed.

"Yeah...we need the pipes for the play and let's be honest they've got a pair of the best," he reasoned and Charlie felt relieved.

Skipper huffed as she walked away angrily.

Hayden flashed a big grin and even Kate melted a bit. "Don't let Claire freak you out. She just..."

"Completely hates me," Charlie finished.

He looked at from Claire to Charlie and then gave a half grin "Yeah but only because she's jealous."

"I seriously doubt that. What can she possibly be jealous of?" Charlie said confused 

He laughed for good measure. "Because you're cool and pretty and popular."

"Popular?" Kate and Charlie said at that the same time.

"Well you know...everyone knows who you are," he explained."But she's actually a nice girl...once you get to know her."

"I don't think I want to get to know her," Charlie said quickly.

He shrugged "It's up to you but if you are going to audition and you get a part, it'll be easier to work with the other cast members than against them."

He had a point, Charlie thought.

"C'mon let me introduce you to everyone," he said and then he turned to the small crowd surrounding them. "Hey everyone....."faces turned to see him "Want to introduce everyone to Charlie and Kate...they are here to check Drama club and maybe audition for the play."

A shorter dark haired boy called"Nice to meet you. I'm Walt."

"I'm Joan," the short curly haired red head gave a shy smile.

Kate lifted her hand in a small wave.

One of the girls that was Claire's friend glared "So what are you going audition with? Hail To the King? Not  exactly  Broadway material."

Hayden frowned and even that expression was pretty breathtaking. "Chill out, Mary."

Kate leaned over to whisper in Charlie's ear "Tell me why we're doing this again."

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