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Lucy tossed her phone on the counter after reading Brian's text. She'd been ditched for his wife. She chuckled knowing that Zoey probably wasn't happy about her plans with Brian.

"What's so funny?" Matt asked snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her to his chest.

"Brian ditched me for Zoey," she replied looking up into those hazel eyes she loved so much.

"I should be weirdly stung by the fact that you were going to go out on a date with Brian," he laughed.

"It wasn't a date," Lucy insisted.

"You and Brian and Elise and no one else. Sounds like a date to me," he winked before placing a kiss on her temple.

"I'm sure Zoey saw it that way," Lucy laughed.

"Oh yeah you're going to pay for that I'm sure," he agreed. "So now that you're free...maybe you and I can do something...together."

"Oh really?" she said looking up at him with her eyebrow raised "And just what did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking maybe we could run off to Vegas to get hitched," he said excitement in his voice.

She gave him a crooked smile. "It would definitely cut down on the wedding cost."

"And the guest list," he flashed dimples before leaning in to plant a soft kiss on her lips.

Charlie made her way into the kitchen and frowned " you two have to do that in here? There are at least four other rooms you could be doing that in that aren't in my direct line of sight. You're going to scar me for life."

Matt released Lucy to quickly grab Charlie in a playful headlock. "Scarred for life? Like I don't get scarred every time I see you kiss that boyfriend of yours. Talk about yuck."

"Eww," she grabbed at his arm but she couldn't budge it "It's grosser when it's your parents."

He released her laughing as she grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured some orange juice. "Well look at it this way, you wouldn't be here if it weren't for all that grossness."

Charlie took her seat at the breakfast table. "Ew dad, that's an over share."

Lucy shook her head and smiled lovingly at her daughter "So did you decide to audition?"

Matt looked confused "Audition for what?"

Charlie shrugged "Just for the stupid school play," she explained.

"The stupid school play that Hayden Orsak asked you to audition for," Lucy cooed.

"Hayden Orsak? he a new boyfriend? What happened to Chris?" Matt said grabbing a Red Bull from the refrigerator and popping the top open.

"Nothing happened to Chris. Hayden is Chemistry tutor," Charlie explained.

"Your Chemistry tutor? And what does he have to do with the school play?" Matt asked confused.

"He's in the drama club and they are doing Grease..."

"And you're going to be in it?" Matt asked excitedly.

"," Charlie stuttered "he asked if me and Kate would audition."

Matt gave a look that showed he was impressed "So what? You don't want to sing?"

Charlie didn't know how to reply
Part of her wanted very much to audition but the other part of her was scared out of her mind. She did backup vocals for the band. She rarely took lead. "Kate's got better range."

"I can fix that," Matt offered "I can call Ron and schedule a lesson or two. When are auditions?"

Charlie laughed. Her dad wanted to hire his vocal coach to help for a stupid school audition.

"Seriously dad, auditions are the Friday before break. There are no time for lessons. Besides I'm sure Ron had better things to do then teach me how to hit the right key for 'Hopelessly Devoted to You.' Right mom?"

"Don't drag me into this...I just wanted to know if we're going to do it," Lucy replied sipping from her coffee mug.

"I can help then," Matt offered. "After school we will work in it."

"I thought we were eloping to Vegas," Lucy joked.

Charlie slammed her hand on the table in mock frustration. "You guys never tell me anything "

Lucy smirked "We just decided before you walked in."

Charlie looked at her father as she placed her glass in the sink and went for her bag."You would do that to me? How could you?"

He laughed at her fake outrage. "I gotta take her marriage moods when they come."

"Whatever," Charlie said giving him a high five and then she turned to her mom "I don't care if you go, just be back on time to pick me up from school. I hate riding the school bus."

She stomped her way out of the door.

The home phone rang and without looking at it Lucy picked it up. "Sanders house of mania."

"Lucy?" Came Zoey's annoyed voice.

Lucy gave Matt an "Oh shit" look sure her friend was going to let her have it because she hadn't told her she was spending the day with her husband "Hey Zoe, what's going on?"

"By any chance, did Charlie say anything about pics on Tumblr of Zack and some brown haired chick?"

Lucy was relieved. She was talking about Zacky. "No not a word about Zack" Matt's ears perked up and he put his hands up in a whats going on gesture. "But I can text her if you want."

Zoey said " its okay. I was just wondering if there was some story on social media. Apparently he was in some brawl with this girl and apparently some folks heard him say he was with her."

Lucy dropped her voice an octave "Like with her with her...or just in the same place as her?"

"Like with her...but he would have said something, right?" Zoey asked.

"Oh yeah definitely," Lucy agreed "Zacky is totally not that kind of guy. And I know he would have told one of the guys if he had a girl on the side."

Matt's face became a mask of worry. Not because he thought Zacky's grief was fake to cover up his own indiscretion but because other people would think that.

Lucy answered a few more questions and promised to give details if she found any before hanging up.

Matt stood and crumpled his Red Bull can before taking a jump shot toward the trash can. "What the fuck was that all about?"

Lucy sighed "Well I'd says our elopement to Vegas is off."

"Damn woman, you're always trying to get put of marrying me," he said half kidding, half serious.

She gave a sad smile at that. "Okay so we are postponing."

"Why this time?" He continued his slightly sarcastic tone.

"Well if Zoey gets her way, we will be on our way to Big Bear soon."


"To meet Zacky's mistress."

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