She Will

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"So you're coming back to Huntington for the New Year, right?" Johnny asked as he shook Zacky's hand and gave him a half hug.

Zacky patted his friend on the back and looked over at Vix who was saying goodbye to the girls.

"Uh...I don't know, man. Maybe," Zacky said unsure.

"Come on Zack," Johnny implored "We can't have our annual New Year's bash without you."

Zacky chuckled "I know, I know but Vix..."

"Bring her with you," Johnny replied quickly "Get in your car and drive your asses home. She can stay with you there."

Zacky looked at Vix again as if considering "I don't know if she wants..."

"She wants, Zacky," Johnny nodded with a knowing grin. "Trust me...she wants."

"You're a dumbass," Zacky laughed.

"But I'm a correct dumbass," Johnny nodded as Lacey joined him and they joined hands.

Lacey leaned in to kiss Zacky on the cheek. "Be good, okay?" she said quietly.

"I will too. I'll probably see you guys on New Year."

"Fuck yeah!" Johnny replied.

"You coming home?" Brian asked joining them by the door as he pulled his jacket on.

"Yeah, yeah,...maybe...probably..." Zacky muttered

Brian understood the reticence. "Ah, you're not sure you want to get away. Or better're not sure she'll come back with you for a few days."

Zacky shrugged and then nodded "Well...yeah," he admitted.

"Trust me, Zachary," Brian said confidently "She will."

"I'm glad you two are so confident," Zacky said.

"Aww I know women," Brian said and Zacky frowned at the implication "You know what I mean....I know those dewy looks they give when they like trust me when I say she will."

"She will what?" Zoey asked as the rest of the girls and Matt joined them.

"Well, we were just making plans here for New Years and we're trying to convince Zacky to come home. But of course, we're really inviting him so he can bring the lovely Victoria here," Brian placed his arm around Vix's shoulders. "And he's worried that she won't join him?"

Vix's eyes widened and she opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water. "Oh...really....I don't think..."

"It's a party...and we'd love to have you," Lacey said quickly.

"And you can stay with us if are worried about a place to stay," Lucy said assuringly reading some of the panic on Vix's face.

"I couldn't," Vix's dark eyes fixated on Zacky's calm green ones. His face gave no indication of whether he wanted her to go or not. "I need to make my way up to Seattle. Probably a good idea to do it before the New Year."

"Nonsense," Matt added in a deep voice "You can come to Huntington for a few days. It'll be fun."

Vix smiled stiffly "I'll think about it."

"What's to think about?" Brian asked tightening his arm around her shoulders. "It'll be a great time."

A great time Vix thought to herself. Yeah of course it would but then she'd have to wake herself up from reality after it was over. 

Zoey frowned at her husband. "Don't pressure her. If she doesn't want to come. Not everyone wants to spend an evening with you dumbasses."

Brian's brown eyes narrowed and he scowled at his wife. 

"She didn't say that," Zacky replied quickly "I'm sure she just wants to think about it."

Vix shifted nervously, opening her mouth to speak but Matt spoke for her. "Leave her alone and Let her think about it."

"All right then," Brian nodded with a grin at Zacky as he removed his arm from Vix and shook Zacky's hand solidly. "We'll see you next week."

With the subject closed, Vix said the perfunctory goodbyes to the amazing people she had just met.

Zacky closed the door behind and leaned against the door, giving her a grin. "I'm sorry about that. Brian means well but sometimes he can come off a little strong."

Vix turned and walked toward the couch and settled herself in front of the fire. "He's just playing out the rock star persona."

Zacky dropped himself onto the couch next to her. "Dinner was great. Thank you."

Vix was surprised "Me? I didn't do anything but eat. Your sisters put everything together."

Zacky chuckled "Those two could rule the world...but seriously, you held up under the pressure of my mom and dad. And then the guys. Not many girls can act that cool around them."

She pretended to consider. "Maybe that's because I'm not a fan," she lied and and he shook his head. 

"I forgot, it's all about One Direction with you."

She laughed as she moved so that her legs were across his lap. Zacky smiled at the contact. He'd waited all day to have her so close. 

"That Harry is just dreamy," she cooed closing her eyes as he ran his hands up and down her legs.

"Don't fall asleep," he said in a low voice. "I have something for you."

She opened her eyes and looked at him with a question in her eye. Eyes that widened when he produced a small box. "What is it?" she asked softly.

He offered it to her again. "Well it's not Harry Styles...I didn't have much time to shop so I had to enlist Matty to help me."

"Your brother?" she asked as she began to unwrap the small box.

"Yeah," Zacky replied "Matty doesn't ask a lot of questions and he takes direction really well."

Vix opened the box to find a simple but beautiful blue topaz necklace. She looked at Zacky surprised. "Oh my God, Zacky, I didn't expect..."

He shrugged embarrassedly "Well you said you wanted a present...." he trailed off as he watched her run her fingers across the shiny silver. "It's my birthstone...December...I wanted you to have it as a reminder....of me."

She looked up at him, tears threatening to form in her the corners of her eyes. It was the first real gift she'd been given in a very long time that wasn't bought from Walmart or Target. "It's beautiful, Zacky...thank you," she said softly as she leaned in to kiss his lips.

"You're welcome," he said between kisses "Do I get to unwrap you now?"

She nodded softly as he stood and reached out his hand. She knew that they should talk about what would happen next week when all his friends expected her for New Year's. She should tell him that she couldn't come along. She should stop this nonsense now so it wouldn't hurt as much when she left but something in his green eyes didn't let the words come out.

So she just took his hand.

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