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Charlie sat nervously shifting from side to side in her seat in the library waiting for her handsome tutor to arrive. She had never spoken to the one and only Hayden Orsak in person but she'd seen many a girl drool over him.

She had to admit he was handsome. And before Chris, she probably would have admitted to a little drooling herself but now...well there was no way that she was going to be flustered. This was strictly business. She'd learn chemistry and then be on her way. No other funny business. She nodded to herself in confidence.

"What did you just agree to to?" a melodious male voice asked her.

She looked up to see Hayden's dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes looking at her. She opened her eyes to speak but no sound came out.

He smiled "Sorry I'm late. My history class ran over." he extended his hand "I'm Hayden."

She took his hand and shook it firmly. "I'm....uh..." Holy shit, what's my name?

He waited patiently and she finally snapped "Madison...I'm Madison."

His eyebrows furrowed. "I thought your name was Charlie?"

She giggle nervously "I am...I mean it is....Madison is my first name...Charlie is my's kind of my middle name....after my dad...I normally hate Madison...but I didn't know how Mrs. Reyes has me listed on her class list so....." Her words dried up as she realized she was rambling.

"Your dad is Matt Sanders right?" he said as he pulled wooden pencils from his backpack.

"Um know him," she asked but corrected herself "I mean do you know his music."
"Uh yeah," Hayden said pulling his Chemistry textbook out of his backpack "I mean I know the popular songs. One of my best friends is a huge fan though."
I think his eyes are as clear as Zacky's, she thought to herself. "That's cool."
"Truth is," he said as he opened his notebook "I've been wanting to meet you for a while. So when Mrs. Reyes put you on the peer tutoring list, I couldn't help but sign up."
"Really?" She asked in surprise. "Why?"

He seemed to blush "'s going to sound silly."

Charlie smiled "I'm sure it won't."

"Well I was know...if you'd do something for me...."

"Oh," she said her expression dropped. How dare she think this handsome guy actually wanted to meet her. No, it was all about her dad. "You want to meet my dad and his band?"

His eyes widened "No not your dad...sorry...I'm sure you get that all the time but seriously...I wouldn't do that...."

"Then who?" she asked her eyebrows crashed together in confusion.

"Um...Kate..."he said red creeping up his cheeks.

"Kate? Sophomore tiny Kate?" she asked incredulously.

He nodded clearing his throat nervously "Yeah Kate. But you too."

"Me too?"

"Yeah," he said nervously "Let me explain. I'm in the drama club and we're doing a production of Grease and we need female leads. I was and Kate...I've heard your band and you sings awesome, so I was thinking..."

Charlie was surprised. She'd never thought of drama before "Really?"

"Definitely," he nodded "You two have two of the best voices I've heard and you're both cute."

It was her turn to blush "That sounds fun. I'll have to talk to Kate about it but why not?"

"Awesome," he said and gave her a megawatt smile and opened his book "So where should we start?"

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