The Longest 15 Seconds

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Charlie waited patiently for the teacher to make it down her row with her Chem test. The Chem test that had literally sucked the life out of her for two weeks. The Chem test that kept her home on weekends and missing band practice when all she really wanted to do was get away from that damn Chem book.

"Great improvement, Malcolm," Mrs. Reyes said as she placed his test on his desk in the row next to Charlie.

"Yes," Malcolm gave a fist in the air "I got a C."

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle and clap. Only Malcolm would be content with a C.  Her giggles dried up as the teacher neared and handed her the test.

"Not your best work, Madison," Mrs. Reyes frowned.

Charlie was about to correct her for the 100th time that she hated to be called Madison but was stopped when she saw the D+ on her paper.

"Fuck," she mumbled under her breath and everyone turned to stare.

"Excuse me, Madison? I'm not sure I heard you correctly."

 "I said fudge," Charlie tried to convince the older woman but the look on her face told her that she didn't believe it. "I'm sorry Mrs. Reyes."

It was the longest 15 seconds of Charlie's life before the teacher turned her back and resumed passing out papers.

"What'd you get Chuckles?" Malcolm asked leaning over and winced "D+...oh crap that sucks. I thought you studied for this test."

"I did!" Charlie insisted. 

"Doesn't look like it," he said giving an unsure look.

  "I don't know what happened. I can't believe this. My mom is going to kill me," Charlie whined, annoying herself a bit with the tone.

"Probably," Malcolm agreed sadly and then he brightened. "Hey can I have your flat screen and XBox One?" 

"If you can wrestle them away from my dad," Charlie said miserably "I can't believe I did so bad."

"Maybe if you didn't spend you time galavanting across California with your father for tour dates, you'd have more time to study," the cute cheerleader type that sat in front of them offered over her shoulder. "Just saying."

Charlie glared at the girl..what was her name? Buffy...Barbie...Skipper. Yeah that's what she'd call her..

"Mind your own business, Skipper," Charlie growled trying out the nickname.

"Then quit complaining for everyone to hear," the little blond replied.

Before Charlie could blast her, the bell rang.

Everyone jumped up to leave. Charlie took her time packing her stuff thinking how she was going to mitigate the failure at home. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't notice Chris approach.

He looked handsome with his longer brown hair. Winter in California was still sunny and the sun had brought out the light and dark shades of blonde in his hair. Like Chex cereal, she thought to herself.

"How'd you do?" he asked carefully before planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Not so good," she said handing over her paper.

He looked at the paper and frowned but looked at her with a smile "It's not so bad Chuck. You'll get them next time. And maybe Mrs. Reyes will let you do extra credit or something."

Charlie slung her messenger bag over her shoulder and they walked out of the classroom. "I don't want to take extra credit. I don't even want to take regular credit. I fucking hate Chemistry."

Chris reached for her hand as they walked down the hall, intertwining his fingers with hers. "It's not so bad. We'll just try again next time. Okay? I'll help."

Charlie took a deep breath. She knew he meant well but she was too irritated to agree. 

"Seriously Chuck...we'll figure it out. Maybe we'll stay for tutoring. Together."

"You got an A on your test. Why would you stay for tutoring?" she asked annoyed that he'd try to make her feel better by staying after school for help with a class he was mastering. It was maddening. Irrational? Probably but it still pissed her off.

"Hey, now," he tugged on her hand to stop her "It's not going to be so bad. Mama Bass and the Shadz man aren't going to kill you."

His attempt to be funny fell flat. "I've got to go..I can't be late to English again."

She pulled her hand away roughly and made her way down the hall.

"I'll see you at lunch!" he called after and she waved but didn't bother to turn.

She just waved behind her head and walked to her class. She hated taking her school frustrations out on him but he was so damn perfect at just about everything.  And she was failing Chemistry.  She was struggling with Pre-Cal. It was an academic year mess that she couldn't quite get a handle on. 

Eventually he'd realize that he deserved someone better, smarter. Someone who could be his equal. Not someone who would bring him down. she wasn't just worried about her grades but about her relationship too.

What the hell.

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