That Look

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Zacky packed up the last of the Christmas decorations that he'd purchased from the small general store in town.  He was proud of the fact that he'd managed to get it all done within a few hours with very little fuss. It felt good to complete a project. He'd woken up early and wanted to have the place decorated by the time Vix woke up. He had left her sleeping off the previous day's events but he had begun to worry about her when she didn't stir when he called her for dinner. But he was slightly encouraged when she stirred long enough to ask him to come back to bed with her.

He'd woken up that morning exhausted himself, opening his eyes  to see sunlight peeping through the partially open curtain. Taking a deep breath and trying to blink his sleepiness away, he turned on his side find her nestled under the blanket, sleeping on her stomach, her face turned towards him, hand resting underneath her cheek, mouth slightly open.  He used the quiet time to just look at her while she sleeping and just to enjoy her close proximity. He admired her dark lashes that she complained were too short and briefly touched her soft lips, causing her to stir a bit. He felt her warm breath as she snored lightly. He almost gave into the impulse of kissing her softly until she opened her eyes. No, as much as he wanted to do it, he didn't. She was exhausted...that much was obvious. Instead he climbed out of bed as quietly as possible and made some breakfast for himself. Walking through the empty living room made him think of how cool it would be if he could set up a Christmas tree (one he actually bought...screw trying to get one from the area around him) and some decorations. He was sure Vix would like it.  He wanted to do something to surprise her.  Something special.

Vix yawned thinking she was glad she didn't have to face Zacky just yet as she picked up her toothbrush and covered it with toothpaste. She took in her haggard appearance and obvious beard burn on her face. She lifted her free hand to touch it, suddenly recalling every detail of the day before. Her plunge into the small river. Zacky jumping in to save her. His gentle hands undressing her. His green eyes full of worry and then lust. She knew she was pressing her luck by kissing him. But it was a chance she couldn't let go by. She knew it would complicate their situation but it didn't stop her. After years of moving from place to place, she learned to appreciate when good things happened...even if there were consequences.

The sound of car doors slamming and a female voice made her drop her toothbrush and rinse her mouth in a hurry. Fuck...what if it was Zacky's wife. Wouldn't that be some shit, she thought to herself as she rushed down the stairs.

She looked out of the large windows to see a slate gray Benz parked. A familiar dark haired man with a ridiculous hat and a bundled baby strapped to his chest was making his way up the walkway with a long-haired woman carrying a designer messenger bag and a water bottle. Vix slowly opened the door at their approach and the woman with beautiful blue eyes smiled. "Hi there."
Vix heard the woman and tried to acknowledge but her brain had other ideas. She recognized the man and instantly turned into every screaming fan who'd knotted her fingers through a chain-link fence, pressed her body against a police barricade, chased a stretch limo, or stood vigil outside a five-star hotel praying for a glimpse of her rock idol. Except, instead of screaming, she couldn't make a sound.  He stopped less than eight feet away. Beneath the cuff of his black, canvas jacket, she saw a leather bracelet with a beaten silver sleeve. He nodded. "We are looking for Zacky."

"Holy shit, you're..." She trailed off wishing Renee was here to see him in person. It was so much different drooling over someone online and then meeting them in the flesh. It slammed her back to the reality that Zacky wasn't just a random guy that picked her up on the side of the road. He was an actual member of Avenged Sevenfold. He was a real superstar and here stood one of his amazing looking band mates...even with the goofy hat.

He smirked "Synyster Gates."

"I thought you were going to say you were looking for elm street," Vix said remembering who she was and poking fun at his hat.

The woman laughed outloud. "I'm Lucy Bass and this little angel is Elise."

"Lucy Bass," Vix repeated for giving Lucy a glance "you're Matt's wife?"

"Not yet," Brian replied "she has cold feet."

Lucy frowned again "Do not. Excuse him. He rarely knows what he's talking about. And you are?"

"Me?" Vix asked keeping her eye in Brian "I'm Victoria...Vix for short."

"Like a cough drop?" Brian asked as the baby began to get fussy.

Vix rolled her eyes at the billionth time she'd heard it. "Exactly like the cough drop. Zacky's not here right now but I'm sure he'll be back soon. Come on in."

Lucy smiled as they crossed the threshold into the cabin. Brian was a big apprehensive but took a deep breath before entering.

"Sorry for the mess," Vix apologized "It's been a chaotic few days."

Lucy looked around to see no real untidiness "Oh it's okay...I have a teenager and Matt. I've seen worse."

"I've made worse," Brian remarked bouncing up and down for Elise's enjoyment as he walked around the front room.

Both women watched Brian as he paced the room nervously.

" do you know Zacky...exactly?" Lucy asked cautiously breaking the silence.

Vix considered what to say. Anything was probably going to sound bad so she might as well go with the truth. "Um...he picked me up on the side of the road outside of Corona." She could see the question in Brian's eyes and panic in Lucy's so she continued "My car and money were all stolen. He helped me out and brought me here with keep him company...until I can find out what to do with myself. Really....totally innocent." Well it had been but they didn't have to know that.

Lucy nodded in understanding, or at least Vix assumed she understood. 

"If you don't mind me asking," Vix said cautiously "How two...I mean I know you're married to Zacky's sister" she pointed at Brian "And you're with Matt" she nodded to Lucy "But you two...together...I mean...oh my two aren't like...."

"WHAT?" Brian's brown eyes widened "NO."

"No no no no," Lucy shook her head back and forth "Of course not. I mean hell according to him, we're not even friends."

Vix looked at Brian confused and he threw up his hands defensively. 

"That's not what I said...." he said looking at Lucy surprised and then he turned quickly to Vix, so fast it startled the baby and she squealed a bit."I promise that's not what I said."

"Oh...well," Vix said weakly.

"Actually that's exactly what he said..."Lucy continued "You said that we wouldn't be friends if you weren't Matt's friend."

Vix narrowed her eyes and she stared at him for response. "Aww fuck Luce...c'mon it sounds like shit when you say it like that."

"It sounded like shit when you said it to me," Lucy insisted.

"That's does sound really fucked up," Vix agreed giving Lucy a sympathetic look.

Poor Brian opened his mouth but nothing came out.  Luckily he was saved by the sound of the door opening.

Zacky was carrying tons of bags and he shut the door behind him with his foot. He didn't seem surprised to see Brian or Lucy. He gave a slight smirk as he put the bags down and moved to shake Brian's hand"Hey Bri...Luce...I was wondering when one...or all of you were going to show up."

Vix's heart skipped a beat as she watched him plant kisses on the excited baby's face as he cooed to her softly "And how is my beautiful niece...Uncle Zacky missed you." The baby's hand when to his face and she rewarded him with great big grin. "Yes he did, sweet girl."

She continued to watch Zacky's every move as he talked with his friends but the pounding of her heart drowned out their words. She didn't even notice when Lucy sidled up to her.

"Uh oh," Lucy's voice broke through the trance.

Vix shook her head and blinked her eyes. "I'm sorry?"

Lucy's serene blue eyes looked sympathetic. "I know that look."

"What look?" Vix asked confused.

Lucy debated....should she tell her? Or should she let it go? 

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