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Zacky rubbed his tattooed hand over his face as the New England landscape passed outside the bus windows. They had been on the road a few weeks and had fallen into the old habits of drinking more than they probably should after a show. It was the reason he was fighting off a slight headache at that moment.

"You feeling okay?" Brooks asked dropping himself on the small couch next to Zacky.

Zacky gave a half smile. He was just in the get to know you process with the new drummer and he didn't want to spill his guts to a stranger. "Yeah I'm fine. Can't always drink the way I used catches up with me faster than it used to, ya know?"

Brooks nodded "Oh yeah trust me, I know."

"So you getting settled into the bus okay?" Zacky asked "I know it's been a month already...I probably should have asked a while ago."

"You've had a lot on your mind with your girl and your divorce and all," Brooks shrugged as he picked up a magazine from the crevice of the couch.

Zacky should have known Brooks knew what the score was. "Yeah I guess you're right. It's been a crazy couple of months."

"It's bound to get better," Brooks offered and flipped through was appeared to be a tabloid. "Has your girl called you?"

"Nah," Zacky shook his head, his green eyes downcast. "I don't expect her too. That's part of the deal. She sees if she wants to make an effort to stay. That's something she struggles with."

"What? Not calling?"

"No staying in one place."

"Ah," Brooks said in understanding. "And you can't call her either?"

"I guess I could..." Zacky admitted "But I'm afraid it'll make me look like a dipshit."

"A dipshit for wanting to talk to her?" Brooks asked. 

"I never said the agreement made sense," Zacky offered with a smirk.

"Have you thought of what you are going to do if she leaves while you're on tour?" the drummer asked.

Zacky took a deep breath and looked out of the window and then back at Brooks. "Not at all. I haven't been particularly successful with relationships so I guess I'm expecting the worse but hoping for the best."

"I guess that makes sense," Brooks replied "Still...if it was Kelly, I'd want her to at least know I was thinking about her. Just something to think about."

"Yeah," Zacky said in a low tone. "Maybe."

"Who reads this shit anyway?" Brooks asked changing the subject.

"Brian," Zacky replied "he loves those things."

"That's weird," Brooks said tossing the magazine on the small table.

"Brian is weird,"Zacky admitted and they both laughed.

"Screw you Vengeance," Brian said as he entered the small area with a bag of chips and a small jar of salsa. "You want?" He asked Brooks as he joined them in the small area.

Brooks leaned over and took a hand full of chips from the bag. "Where are Matt and Johnny?"

"Matt was playing the new Call to Duty in the media room and Johnny was still sleeping last time I checked," Brian said through his chewing and dipping.

"I thought you guys were party animals," Brooks said grabbing more chips. "I was looking forward to non stop party."

"We'll hit one of the local bars after the show but for now we could go draw a penis on Johnny's face," Brian said through a mouthful of chips before standing.

"I'm game," Brooks said. "You coming Zacky?"

"I need to make a phone call first," he replied pulling his cell phone. He watched as Brian grabbed a permanent mark from his stash and led Brooks to the bunk area. Once out of an ear shot, Zacky found Vix's number and almost hit send.



Vix kept herself busy while Zacky was away by drawing and painting, something she hadn't felt inspired to do in a while. She took a part time job at the pet store that helped keep her from being lonely. But she still missed him. She couldn't bear sleeping in his bed without him so she moved her stuff to the den. The girls did their best to help...Lucy asked her to help keep her sane with wedding plans and Zoey made sure to invite her to dinner more than once. They'd even had a few girl's nights out to welcome Kelly Wackerman to the fold. Kelly looked like the run of the mill soccer mom but she was funny and silly and always asking the strangest questions.

"Song you thought was sexiest when you were in high school?" Kelly asked as they shipped their drinks.

"Easy," Lucy said first "Master and Servant by Depeche Mode. I remember hearing it and thinking it was so dirty."

"," Lacey waved animatedly "Wicked Game by Chris Isaak...that's a classic. And a near naked Helena Christenson in the video. Perfection."

"I remember thinking 'Lets go to Bed' by The Cure was the ultimate," Zoey said.

"Oh yeah," Lacey added "I totally forgot about that one."

"All good choices," Kelly said sipping her margarita.

"But we all know the best one ever," Zoey said.

"Pony?" Lacey threw out and they laughed.

"Don't laugh," Kelly scolded  "believe it or not that's one of Brook's favourites."

"Oh Lord," Lucy replied "that's an TMI."

"So what's the best one?" Vix asked.

"Closer by Nine Inch Nails," Zoey blurted and they all let out an "Oh yeah."

"I forgot about that one," Lucy replied.

"Another one of Brooks' favourites," Kelly smiled widely, winking for effect "And if you hear that one on the tour bus, just know things are getting freaky."

All the women cringed and Lacey yelled "Over share!"

"It's the truth," Kelly laughed.

"So you are you sure you don't want to come with us to Connecticut now?" Zoey asked taking a sip of her Cosmo.

Vix pulled a sip of her beer. "I can't. It's against the rules."

"Who made those stupid rules?" Kelly asked curiously.

"We kind of had some weird agreement that we wouldn't contact each other," Vix said.

"That is extremely messed up," Lacey said.

"Rules schmules," Zoey threw out. "You have make the effort."

"Don't listen to her," Lucy said "She's biased because Zack is her brother. Just keep doing what you're doing."

"I have no idea what I'm doing," Vix said quietly. "This is all new territory for me."

"You'll figure it out," Lucy chimed in "If Brian can figure it out, you should have no problem."

"Hey!" Zoey said "that's my husband you're talking about."

"I'm right though," Lucy laughed.

Vix downed her beer and slammed it down on the table. "I need another. Anyone else?"

"Nah, I'm good," Zoey replied.

"I'll take a Miller Lite," Kelly called.

"I'll come with," Lucy said getting up from her seat.

It didn't take long before Vix blurted as they made it to the bar. "I don't know how you guys do this every tour."

Lucy looked at her sympathetically before the bartender walked over " A Miller lite, and a Stella Artois and.." she pointed to  Vix who immediately called out "A Bud Light. Thanks."

The bartender nodded in acknowledgement "You don't have much longer. Zacky will be home in no time," Lucy assured her. "You can do it."

Vix wasn't so sure. 

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