Commitment Phobe

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Zacky felt relieved when he arrived at his house and found Brian's Benz was still parked outside. Hopefully it meant that Vix was still there too. He opened the front door to find the light in the foyer still on but the rest of the household was empty.

He rushed up to his bedroom but she wasn't there.  Panic began to rise in his throat but he took a deep breath and pushed it back down. Afterall Brian had picked her up and his car was still parked outside. That had to be a good sign, right? 

God he hoped so.

The sound of shuffling and voices, both male and female drifted into the room and he excitedly rushed out, hoping to find Vix and Brian.

Instead he found Matt, Lucy and Zoey in his front foyer.

"What are you doing here?" he asked trying to keep the annoyed tone out of his voice.

"I thought...."Zoey considered how to proceed. "That you might need some help."

"Help?" Zacky asked "Why would I need help?" He looked to Matt and Lucy and they both looked confused.

"I just didn't want Zoey to take my truck without me in it," Matt admitted and that earned him a growl from Lucy.

"I came to help Brian," Zoey added "I thought he might need help keeping Vix in place...especially if she was getting emotional. You know how Brian can get with emotional chicks."

"The fact that he's managed to put up with you all these years has to show he's improved in that area." Zacky cracked "But it doesn't really matter because neither of them are here."

Zoey and Lucy's eyes widened. 

"Maybe they walked down to the beach," Matt suggested.

Zacky hadn't even thought about that. Without a word, he walked out of the door.


Vix enjoyed her quiet stroll with Brian more than she could have imagined. He was funny and charming and under normal circumstances (him not being in a popular rock band and her not being a drifting loser) they would probably even be good friends.

He showed her the small cove where his wedding was held and from the description it was no wonder Lucy wanted just a small intimate ceremony. It sounded quite romantic. It also helped that he seemed pretty in love with his wife. Although from the conversation, they seemed to be having some troubles with him being at home to care for the baby and her chasing her career. It seemed they hadn't really had a conversation to talk their differences out. Between these two and Lucy and her wedding drama, Vix thought they all needed to seriously take a class on better communication.

"Look," Brian's gentle voice broke through her thoughts. "I'm not sure what you think was happening between Z and Gena back there...and it's really none of my business, but you should's been over for them for years. I have no idea what Gena was thinking would happen but I do know Z has been over with that chapter of his life for a long time. And once Zacky closes a book, it stays shut."

She sighed as they could see the lights in Zacky's home in the distance. "Zacky is a big boy and his life is his own. I just think....its time for me to get moving. I've never really been one to stick around one place for too long and well..."

Brian shook his head with a smirk. "C' think you've been hanging with Zacky too long? That's bullshit."

"Bullshit?" Vix asked her feathers beginning to ruffle.

"Hell yeah," Brian nodded "I know all the excuses...I've literally given them all.  Commitment phobia."

"I'm not a commitment phobe," she bristled.

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