Just Having Fun

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Zacky carried the last bags of groceries into the kitchen and set them on the island.  He tried not to show how perturbed he was by his encounter with Meaghan. He knew that it would make Vix feel bad to know that he was thinking of his wife, even if he didn't want to be.  

For her part, Vix knew he was probably thinking of seeing Meaghan. It would be an absolute miracle if he wasn't. She tried not to let it hurt her feelings. It's not like she and Zacky could have anything at all together. It was just fun...just sex. After this New Year's party, she'd leave and get on with her life and forget this piece ever happened. She could do it....right? She focused on putting away the groceries.

"You don't have to do that right now," Zacky's voice broke into her thoughts.

"What else am I going to do?" Vix asked quickly. "We have a few hours before the party."

"Most of that stuff we are taking to Johnny's," he replied "Besides, I believe I promised to show you something."

"Like you'd shown Meaghan?" she asked arching an eyebrow.

So much for thinking she was going to let the scene pass. He chuckled softly to try to set her at ease. She tried not to melt at the soothing sound.

"Not that I care though," she added "she's your wife but I'm wondering why you felt the need to call her on it in the middle of the grocery store."

He'd just been trying to get a reaction out of his cheating wife and he had. He'd recognized the irritation in her eyes. Not because it hadn't been appropriate conversation in the middle of a grocery store, but because he'd reminded her of all the times he'd made her scream. Interesting thing was, he realized that he was still angry with her for making a fool out of him but other than that, he wasn't interested in having her back.

"Are you still in love with her?" Vix asked as evenly as she would ask about the weather.  An orange lay on the granite island, and she picked it up and tossed it from hand to hand.

  He walked across the kitchen toward her.  "I'm getting over it."  He reached for her free hand and brushed his thumb across her fingers."But I'm going to need some help." He waited for her to reply.  Her mouth parted but she didn't say anything. His green eyes looked intently into hers and she was mesmerized.

She found her voice "We can't do this now...Lucy is on her way to pick me up to help decorate and..."

"I know," he said hoarsely as  he kissed her and the orange fell from her hand and hit the floor. She rose onto her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her breasts pressed into him, the soft weight settling against his chest. He slid his hand from her waist to her behind. Slowly he brought her closer until the front of her shorts brushed his zipper. He felt like he was fifteen again. When the slightest brush against his groin turned him hard as steel and got him off. But unlike being fifteen, he had more control. Barely.

  Without raising his lips from hers, he lifted her and sat her on the island. Her fingers combed through his soft dark hair while he slid his hand up her side and cupped her breast.  Vix should have been in the moment but for some reason Meaghan's perfect face popped up in her mind. There was no way she could compete with such a beauty. No way she even wanted to try. She didn't want to be anybody's second choice. She pushed him away without much conviction. "Seriously Zacky, Lucy's going to be here any minute."

He pulled back and looked into her warm brown eyes before relenting.. "You win," he smiled before planting a soft kiss on her cheek but not removing his hands from her waist. "Are you going to be okay? With Lucy and the girls? You know Zoey will be there."

"You're sister doesn't scare me," Vix looked into his green eyes. "If I can put up with you, I can certainly handle her."

"Is that what you do? Handle me?" he asked.

"Apparently not well," she replied with a crooked grin.

The sound of the door opening and Zoey's voice called out. "Zacky! Are you here?" 

Vix jumped away quickly and straightened her clothes as Zoey and Brian walked in.

Zoey took in the scene and looked from her brother to Vix. "Hey," she said softly "What are you guys doing?"

Zacky took a deep breath as Brian shook his hand before grabbing a bag of chips from the counter. "Putting groceries away. What are you doing here?"

Zoey rolled her eyes. "I'm here to pick up Vix to decorate."

"I thought Lucy was picking her up, " Zacky asked.

Vix watched as both siblings basically ignored her and Brian. Brian seemed to take it in stride and focused on his chips. 

"We were in the neighborhood since we dropped Elise at with Papa Gates and Suzy," Zoey answered and then turned her attention to Vix "Are you ready?"

"Oh yeah sure," Vix replied "I can grab my bag on the way out."

"Cool, let's go," Zoey said and she motioned for Brian to follow.

"I think I'm gonna hang out with Zacky," Brian nodded.

And after a few minutes of goodbye kisses and waiting for the front door to close, Brian spoke. The tone of his voice startled Zacky. "Looks like she's getting serious for you."

"No fucking way," Zacky argued. "We're just having some fun."

"Are you she's on board with just having fun?" Brian asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Truth was, Zacky hadn't even thought about it. "Of course she is," he tried to convince his bandmate.

"Bullshit." Brian said picking up the orange Vix had just held and began to peel it.. "You're not serious about her. She's just a diversion to you." 

Zacky had to admit there was some truth in it. If he'd seen her on the street or in a club, he'd never have noticed her, but only because she wouldn't have come on to him. With so many beautiful women trying to catch his attention, how was he supposed to notice the ones who didn't?

"Be careful with her," Brian said pulling the orange apart and putting a slice in his mouth. "She acts tough, but those eyes give her away."  

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