It Won't Be So Bad

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Zoey called Zacky for what felt like the millionth time. She had to talk to him. Her mother and sister were desperate to find out if he was okay after hearing the news about Meaghan. Zoey knew all too well the way they tended to overreact in situations like these, remembering her separation and divorce from pop star Lee Eriksen before she'd married Brian. Only Zacky and Matty had given her the space she needed and she wanted to do the same, but she had to admit, she was worried about her big brother.

"Damn," she said lowly when his line went straight to voicemail.
"I'm sure he's fine," Brian said soothingly after placing the baby in her walker in front of "Finding Nemo."
"I'm sure he is too. I just wish he'd answer the phone," she said motioning for him to come closer which he gladly did dropping himself onto the sofa. She draped her legs over his lap as she leaned her back against the sofa arm. He caressed her legs softly as he continued the conversation. "Did Matt manage to get anything out of him?"
"Matty? No way. You know Matty....he's never one to pry and if Zack did say say something he's not talking.. Did Sanders give any details??" 

Brian shook his head "Nope, just that Zacky is on his way to the cabin at Big Bear."

Zoey's green eyes widened. She'd been to the cabin a couple of times while the guys were recording their self titled album. She remembered how much fun they had. But after Jimmy died, Matt decided to buy it but no one ever visited. No one had ever even suggested it. Once in passing, she recommended it to Brian and he's broken down in tears just thinking about it.

"It just doesn't seem like a good thing," she tilted her head against the pillow "For him to be alone."

Brian agreed but didn't say so out loud. He felt as though if he agreed, Zoey would pack them all up and head up to the mountains. And they certainly didn't need that to happen. "Zoe, he's a big boy. He just found out his wife was cheating on him so I'm sure he's just gotta clear his head."

"I know," she said sadly "I just don't like the idea of him being alone. Especially if he decides to spend the holidays down there."

Brian knew there was a plan in the works "Matt said he wasn't sure he'd stay there. He might come home."

"But if he doesn't," she replied "We should go spend the holidays with him."

Brian shifted uncomfortably "I don't know..."

"Bri," she said softly stilling the hand that was caressing her leg  "It won't be so bad."

"I guess," he said weakly.

 If by not so bad, she meant being slammed with Jimmy memories at every turn, then yeah, Brian guessed it wouldn't be so bad.


Lucy snuggled herself into the crook of Matt's arm as she read a book on her Kindle.  He held her tight and she traced the lines of his tattoos as she read. This was the life. If only she could exist here all the time. Matt was flipping through the channels aimlessly, a worried expression on his face. Lucy knew he was bummed about Zacky and Meaghan but felt helpless.

She put her Kindle down as she turned to face him. "Hey Sanders, you okay?"

His hazel eyes looked down at her. "I'm good. Why?"

"You just seem a little distracted," she said tracing the Deathbat on his abdomen and he flinched a bit.

"Well if you're going to do that then I'm certainly going to be distracted," he gave a sexy smile.

"You know what I mean, Matt," she said trying not to fall into those dimples.

"I'm just worried about Zacky," he said quietly. 

"I know,"she said planting a kiss on his chest. "But I'm sure he'd fine. I can imagine he just needs some process."

"I guess," he said shifting his free arm underneath his head.

"What else is bothering you?" she asked.

He hesitated but figured this was just as good a time as any to tell her what was on his mind. "I'm just...wondering...what's going on with you."

"Going on with me?" she asked pulling back from him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I want to marry you...I love you and you...well...I just don't know what you're thinking. Every time we talk about the wedding you get..."

"Get what?" she asked her voice climbing an octave.

"You get like that," he said. "Like you don't even want to talk about it."

Busted, she thought but couldn't bring herself to admit it "That's not true Matt. Why would I not want to talk about my own wedding?"

"Really?  It's not true. Then why haven't you met with the wedding planner in the last two weeks."

Because the wedding planner is an annoyingly perky blond who wears St. John dress suits and looks at me like I'm a total wreck that doesn't deserve a guy like you. "I just haven't had time," she said defensively.

"Time?" he said louder than he wanted "All you have is time."

She sat up in bed "Like that was my choice..."

His eyebrows crashed together "It was."

Damn, he had her there. "So what I'm supposed to do. Spend my days making plans for what kind of food we're going to serve the 300 people that you're parents are inviting. Or how many of your cousins will have to wear an awful peach bridesmaid dress that everyone keeps saying is my color."

He sat up and glared "What the fuck?"

"Exactly," she said angrily as she stood. "What the fuck? What was supposed to be a tiny intimate wedding has turned into complete chaos."

"And you're just telling me this now?" he tried to keep and even tone "Why didn't you say anything before right this minute?"

"I don't know," she yelled.

"Do you even want to get married, Luce?" he asked as calmly as he could. He had his heart broken by Lucy before and he didn't want it to happen again. 

"I...."she stammered "Of course I do...Matt...I love you...I just don't want...." She should have used this as the chance to tell him how she really felt but she couldn't make the words come out.

 They stared at each other. Both were stubborn so instead they chose silence over talking.   

He grabbed a pillow and a small throw blanket. "I'm sleeping in the den."

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