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Vix woke the next Christmas Eve morning in Zacky's bed, his arms wrapped tightly around her body and his stiffening cock nestled against her ass cheeks. She giggled lightly and wriggled against him, he moaned in his sleep and rubbed against her. Very carefully, so as not to wake him, Vix turned so that she was facing him.

She took a few minutes to just watch him as he slept. It had been a few days since they decided to continue sleeping together and she'd spent every night of those days in his bed. She was surprised that on a few of those nights, it was enough that he just held her close.  His eyelids fluttered softly and she knew his green eyes would be bright and beautiful if he opened them now. Then that slow lazy smile would spread across his face. She almost wanted him to wake up so he could make her pancakes for breakfast. She had learned that he made the best pancakes. Zacky grunted and shifted in the bed, his movements brought her attention to the tent he was creating below his waist and she smirked. Maybe, she could do something to earn the pancakes.

Gently, she worked herself down his body and under the covers. He was reluctant to release her from his grasp, so she took her his cock in her hands massaged it and that was enough for him to let go. She smirked again and ducked under the blankets.

She nudged his legs apart and nestled between them. In position, she removed her hand from his cock and replaced it with her mouth. She took it slowly, waking him gently and enjoying giving him head for the first time.

Zacky was pretty disorientated when he woke up. The first thing he noticed was that his bed was at an unusual angle. Very, very quickly after that he became aware of the incredible sensations he was experiencing. In his sleepy haze he thought he was alone in his bed and still having an erotic dream.

Then Vix took him deep in her mouth and it all came clear to him. He pushed the covers down to expose her dark hair fanned out across his waist.. He brushed her hair away from her face so that he could watch her feasting on him. The view was glorious. She raised her eyes to meet his and grinned at him as best she could with her mouth full of him.

He gripped the sheets beneath him tightly as she sped up the pace and he began to thrust into her mouth. He grunted and gasped and swore as she administered the best blowjob he had ever experienced.

When he came, he arched completely off the bed with the force of the orgasm that she gave him.

It took him several minutes to come down from his orgasmic high. When he did, Vix was straddling his waist with an impatient expression on her face. "Did you like that?" she asked.

"God yes," he sighed.

"Good, then I think I've earned pancakes for breakfast."

Zacky laughed and cocked his head. "I guess you did." He pushed her off gently and rose from the bed, chuckling at her getting comfortable in the warm bed. He pulled on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt then turned back to her. He shook his head at the scene in front of him. Their exertions of the night before had moved the bed a foot from the wall and three feet to the left of where it normally stood. The sheets and blankets were completely askew and the nightstand that usually stood by his bed was lying on its side. Vix was stretched out on the bed, a complete difference from her normal sleeping habits.  Her hair resembled a bird's nest, her lips looked even fuller than usual and he'd marked his territory well...stubble burn and a few stray hickeys across her chest. "Are you sure you don't want me to return the favor first?"

Vix shook her head. "No, feed me first, then fuck me."

"If I were a position to fall in love with you, that would have sealed the deal," Zacky laughed.


Zacky was shocked and absurdly turned on at the amount of pancakes Vix consumed. By his count, she had had eaten three times what he had.

"Do you normally eat so much every morning?" he asked. He didn't believe she did, anybody who ate that much would have to be either obese or an Olympic Champion.

"No, not usually. But I don't usually spend most nights being screwed senseless by a sex god."

Zacky grinned smugly at the compliment. "I am pretty great."

"I was kidding," she stuck her tongue out at him. "I only do it for the pancakes. I've been searching for good pancakes all my life."

"And all that time, you could have had them for a blowjob."

"That's quite a bargain, Vengeance. I had a dude in high school offer me two hundred bucks for a blowjob once."

Zacky choked on his coffee. "What? Seriously?"

She nodded nonchalantly. "Yeah, he had a fetish for my lips. This is amazing maple syrup, where did you get it?"

"There's a woman  who lives near the lake who makes it herself..." he replied. "What did you say to the guy?"

"Same as I tell all the other guys, no thank you, not interested."

"Others?" he laughed

"What can I say?" she joked "I'm pretty great too."

"But if they had made pancakes better than me, you'd be interested?"

Vix pushed away her plate, finally full, and contemplated the question. "Definitely... Can I ask a question?"


"What happens when your sister and Brian show up? Is she going to come in here guns blazing and demand to know what my intentions are? Will we have to explain this weird sex arrangement or...will they all show up...Johnny, Brian, Matt and their crews to examine what's going know like...let's go peer at the chick Zacky's hooking up with....What if they don't like me...or even worse...what if their wives don't like me...I know Lucy is cool but she going to kick my ass for sleeping with her brother while he's married...oh wow..what if-"

Zacky silenced her ramble with a kiss. He pulled back before he got too into it and would have lost his ability to think. "Hey...whatever happens...we'll handle Zoey and Brian. And as for the other guys, I wouldn't put it past them to show up but they might not....but if they do, it's going to be fine. The guys will like you cause you're great..remember..and the girls...Lacey and Lucy..they are the two chillest women ever... And I'll handle Zoey, I promise....what I'm saying is we'll work it out. Okay?"

"Okay," she said giving him a soft smile. "I can't believe that tomorrow is Christmas Day, we- oh my God. We won't have presents."

"We'll have each other, we don't need presents," he told her.

"I don't need presents, I want one. It wouldn't be Christmas without giving presents or getting them.That's like the one constant I've had in my life. At least getting or giving one present."

Zacky smirked at her. "Tell you what, you dress up in those fuzzy pj's I bought you and let me unwrap you and that's present enough for me. Then I'll take care of you."

"We were going to do that anyway, don't you want something special? It's Christmas."

He picked up her hand and kissed the back of it, then looked her in the eye. "This is special. Being here, with you is very special to me. I don't need anything else."

Vix placed her hands on his cheeks and kissed him sweetly. "Nice try, Vengeance, but I want a damn present."  

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