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This is the end so don't miss anything :')

Jessica pov

I lay in bed, wanting to sleep but knowing that if I did, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. I didn't feel like doing any work, wait I didn't have any... whoops. I kept telling myself to go out and find a job... not today. Sigh, when will I get out of this slump.

I picked up my ringing phone and saw the caller id: Director Kim.

Director Kim? Why would he call me?


"Jessica," His tone did not sound very excited, more like he was forced to call.


"..." I heard a sigh, and there was a long pause before he started speaking, "we've looked for another designer who can produce the signature looks of Shinhwa, but no one is able to do it."

Not exactly seeing his point, I asked again, "and?"

Another sigh.

"We want you to come back and work."


"What? Y- you're not going to come back?" He seemed surprised as he answered.

"No, I've already excluded Shinhwa from my life, and I don't want to return to that phase. After working for you for how many years, faithfully creating ur designs, I was fired without any consideration. Why should I come back and work just to make you coffee everyday and be fired whenever? I'm sorry Director Kim, I've started a new chapter in my life. Good bye, it was nice talking to you again."

Tiffany suddenly came in my room, telling me to dress up.

"Why? Where are we going?" I asked her, reluctant to part from my comfortable bed.

"To a restaurant. I feel like eating out today."

Ok... I slowly got up from bed and made myself presentable - there was nothing else to do anyways, might as well go out.

We arrived at the WGM building . I hadn't bothered to ask where we were going, for I assumed we were just going to a usual restaurant to eat.

I turned to Tiffany, "What are we doing here. I thought we were going to eat. Why are we here."

"Just wanted to revisit some old memories." She replied and pulled me to the building with her.

She opened the door, revealing a dark empty set of filming. And we walked in.

"What are you doing Tiffany. Why are we walking into an empty WGM set."

Just then, the lights turned on, and in front of me was... a chair. TOP? I was genuinely confused.

I saw a figure behind the chair slowly come out, a figure immediately recognizable. He walked closer and closer, until he was 1 foot away from me.

And he kneeled.

"The first time I saw you, I thought you were a sasaeng fan. The second time I saw you, we kissed. I kept seeing your angelic face, your beautiful personality, your capturing smile, and I fell in love. We've had many obstacles, but we've fought through them. You've made me realize what was wrong with my life, you've shined a light on me and gave me happiness, you have given me life. And now, I'm ready to dedicate mine to yours. Jessica, will you marry me?"

By this time I was crying like there was no tomorow. I was consumed by all the emotions that were flooding like a tsunami. Our times together in WGM, our times spent running from fans, our times laughing, our times crying. They were all precious to me, and they had made me realize what was the most valuable treasure of my life, the one kneeling before me.

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