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Promotions kept going for another 3 months, and after that, I was immediately called to the Sm building to practice for a new comeback. I arrived in the audio room following Manager Myungsoo and sat down in the chair. I picked up the headphones sitting on the table and set it over my ears on my head. After giving Myungsoo the signal that I was ready, he clicked the button that started the music.

The second the song started playing, I turned the volume all the way down until I could barely hear the music. It was horrifying. The tunes didn't mix, the music was somewhere between rock and dubstep, and it seemed as if I was supposed to become a rock star or something.

"Uhh Manager-nim? What is this?" I put down the headphones and looked over at him. He did nothing but a simple shrug, and he told me to put on the headphones again. "You have 3 weeks to practice, and they're telling me you have to finish recording by tonight. Ill see you on the comeback date." With that, Manager Myungsoo left the room and I was left alone.

Slightly pouting, I clicked the red play button and once again cringed at the tunes. This cant be happening right? People are finally starting to like me and accept my apologies, and now I have a terrible, earblowing, annoying song to comeback with. Great.

After listening a few more times and memorizing the lyrics, I headed off to the recording room with the lyrics in my hand. How did they expect me to memorize these in one hour? Sigh. But I did it anyway.


After she left the audio room and was a good distance from me, I snuck in and put on the headphones that Jessica had used just a minute ago. I scanned through the files in the cabinets, found the one named 'Jessica', and pulled out the audio cd. After inserting the cd, I found the red button and clicked on it.

What I heard was a bear screaming at a dying whale who was scratching at a big squeaky potato that was sitting on top of a washing machine. Basically, it was - i didn't want to say this but - a piece of crap. Why is Sm giving this to Jessica? They should know that Jessica is at a point in the industry where she is starting to gain fans, and a comeback like this will only make current fans waver. What if they're doing this in purpose?

Confused, I walked out of the audio room anyway and followed Jessica's footsteps to the recording room. From the little window, I watched as she stood in front of the microphone while holding the sheet of lyrics. I could tell she was trying her hardest to put her feeling into the song, but we know its impossible.


Trying my best, I put all my useless feels into these useless lyrics with no feeling. And I cant even describe the song because I don't even know what the lyrics mean. This is bad; I don't understand my own lyrics. Maybe I should confront the composer...

I knew I had to act quickly since I was told to finish the main recording by today. But how would I know how to sing this if I didn't understand it? Hastily, I grabbed my phone and dialed Kwangsoo's number.

"Yeboseyo?" Kwangsoo picked up after around 2 rings, which was a relief for me.

"Oppa, do you know who was the composer for my comeback title track?" I asked him. "Aniyo, this is the first time they're keeping such an open issue from me. Wae?"

"Ahh.. Its nothing, nevermind. Thanks anyway" I felt a bit disappointed, or rather curious as to why President Lee is keeping such a small thing from his own secretary.

"Oh, arasseo. See you" "Oh see you oppa."

After realizing that nothing could be done to help me understand the lyrics, I really did feel like giving up. It's just that feeling where you've been working hard to understand a lesson in class but you just don't get it, and you end up failing after trying your best. Does that happen to everyone? Or is it just me?

All this drama was just making me wonder why I became an idol in the first place. Even if I was somewhat a celebrity and got fired from my old job... I knew the countless hours of practice I would need to do, the countless hours of work, the limited freedom I would get. But was it worth it? Now that Im actually in the industry, Im not so sure anymore.


Oh my lord. Let me explain. This chapter was supposed to be WAYYYY longer than this. But who knew I would have to go to some summer boot camp that took up basically the majority of my summer. And then right after Im going on a trip to Asia. I guess Ill be able to do some writing while Im there, but there's no guarantee. *sigh* Im sorry 😭

I had no idea what was going to happen because the original plot is now going through some changes due to my rush and lost of feel. (I bet that's not even a thing) But I guess what's going to happen is going to happen.. 😕

Anyways thank you to the people who are still reading this after seeing how much crap I've written, and especially thank you to the people who are even voting and commenting on this story. Its you guys that are driving me to write.. Lol.. Thank you guise!

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