The girlfriend

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"God i still have a massive hangover from last night." I complained as I sat down on the couch beside Baekhyun waiting for Kyungsoo to finish cooking, but he was taking a long time. Im guessing he's not in his best condition, because I heard him cursing to himself about a billion times about some kind of fried egg.

"Baekhyun, do you know what happened last night? I feel like something important went on. Exactly what happened? I dont remember a thing." I asked Bacon, assuming he didnt get drunk because he didnt have hangovers like the rest of us.

"Oh nothing much, let's just say you and Jessica are a lot more friendly than you were before." He replied without looking up from the tv screen.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, suspiciously.

"Oh nothing."

"Malhaebwa. What does that mean?"

"Ok fine. You and Jessica were having a little make out session last night." he said like it was the most normal thing in the world.


"You heard me hyung." he glanced at me then turned back to the TV screen, grabbing the bag of hot Cheetos sitting on the table.

"Baek, can we keep this to ourselves? Chebal?" I asked, knowing that all the members were in the kitchen yelling at Kyungsoo.

"Arasseo hyung. Now can you let me watch my drama in peace"

"Gomawo Baek, Ill owe you."


"Ok fine. You and Jessica were having a little make out session last night."


"You heard me hyung."

"Baek, can we keep this to ourselves? Chebal?"

I cant believe my ears. Jessica and Luhan made out last night? Well i would've remembered but i was drunk... But now that I've heard the news... I cant just keep this to myself. I need to tell someone. Another member? No, Luhan hyung probably doesn't want them to know. Tiffany? Yeah, i can trust her obviously.



[ "yeboseyo?"

"Jagiya, how are you guys?"

"Were fine. And you?"

"Were fine too. Ok, i called because Exo is going to a cafe and we wanted to invite you two."

"Oh jinja? Umm... Sure, we'll come."

"Arasseo. It's the usual, we'll be there in a few minutes, see you."

"See you." ]

[a/n in case you didn't know [ ] is a phone call. I also use it for a/n but a/n is in bold. Yea yea i know. Lame. But sometimes phone calls are necessary... Idk 😐 ]


I was sitting with my boyfriend and some of Exo at a cafe, and 2 girls came in and came up to us. At first i thought they were fans, but then i remembered that Chen had a girlfriend, and the red haired one was probably her, since she sat down next to him and he hugged her. The other girl, the blond one, sat down directly across from me, next to the couple.

I felt Luhan tense up a little bit when he saw the blond one for some reason... Was something going on?

"Jessica, Tiffany, meet Luhan's girlfriend, Hye Jin."


"Jessica, Tiffany, meet Luhan's girlfriend, Hye Jin." I felt... disappointed for some reason. He has a girlfriend? Oh, of course he would. I mean, why wouldn't he like that girl, shes pretty, shes probably famous, and they're perfect for each other. So why am i wishing that they weren't together?


"Excuse me for a second i need to use the restroom." I got up and left to use the restroom.

When i finished retouching my makeup i opened the door to go out but stopped when i heard 2 voices.

"Jinja? He really kissed Jessica? But doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"Kude! I heard them talking about it in the living room!" Hmm... This one sounds a whole lot like Chen... And isn't Jessica the blond one that is with us?

"I cant believe it!"

"Well believe it, and don't tell anyone. I'm not supposed to know this."

"Arasseo i wont tell."

"Gomawo, now let's get back to the table."

After the footsteps were no longer here, I stepped out of the bathroom and headed back to the table. The thing is, that sounded a LOT like Chen, and the other sound sounded like his girlfriend, but i wasn't sure since i wasn't really paying attention when we were introducing ourselves.

Could it be that they're talking about my Luhan?

Nonono it couldn't be.


But then again hes the only other one who has a girlfriend in exo and that sounded alot like Chen.

Andwe! Luhan would never do this to me!

Would he?


Oh god another lame chapter 😒 So many POVs and oh god hangovers😂😂 Yeah ther in ther 20s so of course ther gonna drink but its so awkward writing it😭

Anyways thank you for reading!

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