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Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, the production team had to give me choreography that was so bad I looked like a mentally ill bear trying to survive. It was terrible. But, i guess i just had to roll with it, and so i learned and practiced the comeback anyway. Sure, I might look like a fool on stage, but at least I would get my living expenses... Right?

Nope. Why didn't anyone tell me that Sm takes 60% of my profit? Well.. True they need the money and they supported me during training but... Is it fair? And more importantly, are they even making any profit from me? I think its more like a lose-lose situation.

I doubt I'll get on any programs in the duration of this comeback. Or any comeback. Maybe I'm just not fit for the music industry. Maybe I should just quit...


I watched from the tiny window on the door as Jessica fiddled with the pen on the table. She was deep in thought, not even noticing when i decided to actually enter the room instead of just watching. She didn't even notice my presence until I poked her on the cheek softly. That seemed to wake her from the endless fiddling with the pen, as Jessica turned to face me.

"Oh, you came back." She said softly, showing the beautiful smile she always held, but this time, there was a sort of sadness in her eyes.

Not knowing how to comfort her, I took her hand and just held it, losing myself in just the warmth of her presence. I thought it was comforting her, since she wasn't moving and was smiling, but after awhile of silence, and with no sort of warning, a tear fell out of her eye. And then another, and another. But through all of it, she still had on a smiling face, almost as if the tears weren't there. But they were, and they weren't stopping.


I didn't even realize the tears that flowed down my face until Luhan wiped them off gently with his thumbs. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I smiled, not knowing what to say. What was wrong? There was nothing to cry about, so why wouldn't the tears stop? And why did I feel like... There was nothing in the world that made me happy anymore? What was happening to me?

"I don't know, oppa." Realizing how pathetic I look right now, I turned to face away from Luhan and wiped away the remainder of my tears. I never cried in front of anyone but Tiffany, and never intentionally.

"Oppa I have to use the restroom." I excused myself, and I left Luhan still sitting on the chair in the room. Sorry Luhan, but I need some time alone.


I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, water still dripping after washing tear stains on my face. Looking at myself, I wondered how I went from fashion designer to idol. I don't even know what to do with my career anymore. I just feel... Lost in life.

I was never good at making decisions, and I never will be. Its just something I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life. Choices. Whether or not I want to continue in this path. Whether or not My contract would allow me to discontinue. Whether or not Im happy with my life.


Jessica barged into the penthouse, only muttering a "hey" to me and then rushing into her room. Pausing my drama and putting down my bread, I followed her into her room, curious to what she was looking for. "What's with the rudeness? And what are you looking for?" I casually walked into her room and sat on her bed, watching her pull out every drawer and go through them.

"Sorry Tiff, I asked for a 20 minute break and I don't have much time to find my contract," she replied without looking at me.

"Contract? Why do you need your contract?" I asked, curious.

"I want to ask them something. I'll explain when I get a longer break. Wait, I found it. I'll be going now, see you." Jessica rushed out as fast and she came in, and I was left sitting on her bed, confused once again.


"Yeboseyo?" Kwangsoo answered.

"Oppa, its me. Are you busy? I wanted to ask something."

"Uh yeah sure Ill meet you in the practice room."

"Ok I'm coming." I hung up the phone and continued walking back to the building. My break should be up soon.


"Oh you're back, did you finish up what you went out to do?" The front lady asked me.

"Yeah, I'm going back up now."

"Ok, work hard."

I gave her a slight nod and continued up the stairs to the second floor. After seeing that no one was in the hallway, I took out my contract from my bag and headed to the practice room, where Kwangsoo was waiting for me, playing games on his phone. "Oh, you're here." He put down his phone and patted the floor next to him, motioning for me to sit.

"Oppa, I wanted to ask about my contract." I sat down and took out the sheet of paper from the yellow envelope. "To be honest, I don't think I want to be an idol anymore."

After hearing that, Kwangsoo's eyes widened. "What. Why, is it too hard?"

"Well it's just... I have my reasons. But I wanted to ask..."



"Since the contract forbids quitting completely, I have no choice but to stay in the company. But being an idol really doesn't fit me... So..." Jessica seemed to hesitate a bit before continuing to speak, "what if I became an actress instead?"

"What? An actress? You can act?"

"Ok, I know its hard to become successful as an actress but... Anything other than being an idol. Can you ask President Lee for me? Am I asking for too much?"

"Umm... I cant ask him because I have nothing to do with it but I can come with you."

Hearing that I had to ask President Lee myself, i felt my body tense from nervousness. At least Kwangsoo will be there.


But he wasn't there. President Lee asked him to leave the two of us alone. In the end, I was still forced to ask President Lee my outrageously shameless request. "Im really sorry to be asking this but... Would it be possible for me to become an actress? I know how shameful it is of me to ask this but, I really dont think Im fit to be an idol." I forced out the words that I have waiting to speak, and I felt relieved, but at the same time, I was scared of what the reaction was going to be.

After hearing a while a silence, I gathered up my courage and lifted up my head, but just a little bit. And a bit more. And a bit more, until slowly I was facing President Lee directly. And then, when he finally spoke, I didn't hear what I had expected to hear.


Hello readers! Its me the author, no I'm not dead. I've just been extremely slow and away from wattpad and away from the country and just a whole bunch of excuses. Im sorry 😭😭

Im the type of person who doesn't write until they feel their words or their story or just the sense. Yea. Its bad. I really hate keeping you guys waiting 😭 I know a lot of you didn't even bother waiting 😂 which is expected but the ones that are, thank you so much for waiting for so long.

Anyways thank you again for reading!

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