Goodbye Kyungsan

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I saw some guy in a suit come out of the secret room and walk past me. Shortly after he came out Jessica walked out and came up to me holding a card.

"Omg guess what!?!?" She excitedly asked.


"That man in the black suit and sunglasses. He gave me this card and told me Lee Soo Man scouted me himself!!" She showed me the card.

"Oh. My. God. You've always wanted to be an idol next to being a fashion designer! When are you going to have the audition?" When Jessica was little she wanted to become an idol but soon she found fashion more interesting and lost interest in idols. So she knows about the older groups, like SNSD and Suju, but none of the newer groups.

"Its in 2 weeks, so i have time to prepare. What should i do for the audition?"

"Not now. Well discuss it at home. Ok. People are looking at us." I said, looking around at the people looking at us.

"Oh right, mian. Well talk at home. I'm going to go eat some food." She said in a lower voice, also aware of the people looking at us.


I took a plate, put some food, found the table Tiffany and Exo were sitting at, and joined them.

"You guys did amazing up there." Suho said, gesturing to me and Luhan.

"Gomawo." Luhan and I chorused.

Kyungsan's parents came over to our table with Kyungsan and thank ed us for taking care of him and setting this up.

"No problem. Kyungsan is adorable, he will grow up to be very handsome that's for sure." I sound like an ahjumma...

"Kudom mion, and its thanks to you two. When he grows up and hears that this famous couple took care of him, he is going to be so happy."

"It's no problem. Taking care of him was fun ahjumma." Luhan awkwardly commented.

"Gomawo, well its time for Kyungsan's toljiabee, follow me." She directed us to a table, where Kyungsan sat with a bunch of objects in front of him.

Kyungsan's dad pulled Baekhyun to the side and asked him something. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but it was along the lines if "announce" and "objects", not like i was eavesdropping, just listening to their convo.

"Annyeong haseayo yeorobeun, Exo Baekhyun imnida, i will be your mc! Now, let's see what Kyungsan's future will be. We have put objects in front of Kyungsan. We have a mirror, so he will be handsome like Exo, a microphone, so he will be a singer like exo, money, so he will be wealthy like Suho *chuckles while Suho glares at him*, a book, so he will be smart like Suho *this time Suho gives him a ill-let-you-off-the-hook-for-now look*, a string, so he will have a long life, and lastly, rice, so he will not ever run out of food *ahem xiumin*."

All the tables are put in front of Kyungsan and everyone in the room sits quietly, anticipating what he will take. Immediately, Kyungsan picks up the...


"Wahh! Kyungsan picked up the mirror! When he grows up, he will be handsome like me!" Baekhyun announced right after Kyungsan picked it up.

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