All for Nothing

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"Of course you can start acting, but you'll have to wait a few years. It wouldn't be good to have a rookie idol start acting right away would it?" The president spoke, almost as if he was mocking me.

"D-d-deh? Umm, about how long?" I asked.

"Well, I guess about until you come out of your rookie stages."

"Deh? Oh, uhh, uhh, Gomasimida sajang nim." I barely muttered. Not knowing how to react or what to say, I quickly bowed and fast-walked out of the office. What just happened?

Thank goodness Kwangsoo was waiting for me outside the office, or I think I might've just passed out. "I couldn't hear a thing despite literally sticking my ear to the wall. What'd he say?" Kwangsoo asked as we walked down the hall.

"Well he said I could start acting after Im not a rookie anymore. He said it doesn't look good to start right after debuting." I replied, stopping to drink a cup of water on the way. My throat probably went dry from well.. Just the whole situation basically.


"Annyeong." Hearing a voice behind me, I got so shocked I literally jumped in the air and spun around.

"Byunghun - ah, you nearly scared me to death." I was out of breath as I greeted the smiling Byunghun. "Bian, Let's go." He took my hand and dragged me as I clumsily walked behind him. "Wait, go where. Where are you taking me."

"Just trust me." Byunghun finally let go of my poor hand after he opened the door to his car and gestured for me to get in. Unwillingly, I sat down on the leather seat and he closed the door.


Shes two-timing? With my Luhan? Scoff, that bitch deserves to die.

Satisfies with the pictures I took, I printed them and carried the pictures to my father's office. "Appa, I need you to do something for me."

He looked up from his papers after hearing my request, "what is it?"

"I want you to have someone anonymous take these to Dispatch." I asked, placing the pictures on his desk. He looked at them carefully, and the expression on his face seemed to be a little shocked. "Jessica? And who is the guy with her?" I guess he just doesn't know what she's capable of.

"It's Ljoe from Teen Top." I informed. "Teen Top?" He asked. He seemed to think for a while, probably trying to figure out who the group was. "Anyways, Ill have someone take it so you can leave now." With the pictures still in hand, my father gestured for me to leave the room.


We arrived at a car dealer and Byunghun opened the door for me after parking in one of the spaces next to the ginormous building. Confused, I stepped out of the car and closed the door behind me. "Why are we here?" I asked, putting on my sunglasses to avoid the blinding sun.

"Wow, you actually look like a celebrity with those glasses, sunbaenim." Byunghun joked and sarcastically bowed 90 degrees and lowered his head at me. "Yah I'll take these off then. You didn't answer my question." I said, ready to take off the glasses if he continued with the joke.

"Just follow me, sunbaenim." That time, he smiled a creepy smile as he showed his fake respect for me. "Aish," annoyed, I took the sunglasses off and followed him into the building. As I slowly walked in behind Byunghun, my entire annoyed mood just disapeared and my mood suddenly turned into a happier one. The power of luxury.

The place must've been the size of 3 mansions, with luxury written all over. The walls were mostly glass except for a few strips of metal supporting the ceiling, there were huge cardboard cars hanging fromt he ceiling, and the entire place was filled with... cars. Duh. But they were all on this circular platform that rotated and could move up and down. How awesome is that. I bet this place cost several trillions.

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