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Third person POV > Jacks thoughts

Jack landed softly on the lake surface. It was the early morning hours and the sun was just starting to break across the sky. He smiled at the sensation of the cool ice underneath his feet. He'd been in such a bad mood lately he thought he would just visit the place where it all started. He walked around the memories making him smile. He softly touched a tree the same one from all those years ago. Years had passed and now it was gigantic. Frosty patterns erupted across it turning the trunk into a sparkling work of art.


Jack spun around trying to find the source of the noise. He was hoping it was nothing but it could be a Nightmare. When they defeated pitch his nightmares had turned against him but continued to run around. He looked around trying to pinpoint where he heard the noise. He spotted deep yellow eyes staring at him front in the shadows. It panicked taking off into the forest. He gave chase running after it into the shadows. He chased it, leaping over logs and ducking under branches.

That's strange usually it disappears into the shadows by now jack thought frowning. There was something off about this nightmare. They reached a small rocky outcrop. It curved around providing only one entrance which was where jack stood. He chuckled, his staff going slack as he stepped forward. As he walked forward he realized it wasn't a nightmare. It was a horse.

It gave off a showy aura so jack knew it was magic but there was nothing dark about it. In fact it reminded him of the pranks he played on bunny to scare him half to death.

She backed up in fear neighing in distress. She suddenly rose up on her hind legs letting out a wild cry. As she fell back to the ground jack held out his hands trying to calm her down.

"Shh girl shhh im not going to hurt you, i didn't know who you were, i thought you were a nightmare" he said trying to get the horse to calm down. She slowly calmed down and he crept closer patting her neck.

"Where are you from girl?" he wondered out loud rubbing her muzzle with a chuckle.

"She belongs to me"

Jack spun around to see a dark figure in a hooded cloak behind him. Instantly his staff was up and pointed at her. She chuckled shaking her head pointing to the staff.

"You think im going to attack you? What an idiot" she sneered she smiled her eyes hidden from view. "Destiny!"

Jack realized what she meant and turned to his right only to be met with a pair of wild green eyes. The massive black wolf knocked him backwards onto the ground pinning him down. Her paws pressed down on his shoulders with her hind legs on his thighs. She flopped down casually panting and giving him a goofy grin. Jacks staff lay on the ground next to him. He reached for it desperately but it was just out of reach.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this i can't have you following me." the voice whispered in his ear he turned around eyes widening. He only caught a glimpse of amber eyes from underneath the hood before she raised her hand back and hit him across the head making everything go black.









Shadows ~Siblings Trilogy Book #2~Where stories live. Discover now