A promise

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Tooth's POV>

"NO!" Bunny yelled he ran from the room. I watched as he ran off somewhere in the work shop. North sadly shook his head and walked out into the globe room. I softly fluttered behind him. Jamie jumped up at the sight of him.

"Did you get pitch is jack okay?" he asked worried looking up at the big Russian. North sighed, and walked past him. I flew up to Jamie and put a hand on his shoulder. Jamie looked up into my eyes and the hope shining there dimmed making me wince. "You got pitch right jacks okay isn't he?" Jamie asked tears starting to form in his eyes I shook my head a sob escaping me. I wrapped Jamie up in a hug tears streaming down my face. Jamie hugged me back and i could hear him sniffling.

"Jamie I think is time you go home your mother must be getting worried" North's tired voice echoed from across the room. Jamie let go of the embrace and nodded silent tears running down his face. North motioned to the yeti next to him. "Come, Phil will take you home with snow globe" Phil took out a snow globe muttering into in yetish then threw it down. The swirling rainbow window appeared. Jamie turned to north before walking through.

"Promise you'll get jack back" he asked hiccupping

"Jamie i-." north looked defeated.

"I promise" The Australian accent cut through the silence.

"We'll get jack back" i added Jamie nodded and walked through the portal. The portal closed and we stood there in silence

"Tooth i wanna talk to you" bunny demanded softly I simply nodded. I was afraid if I said anything else I would end up screaming. I fluttered after him until we came to an empty hallway.

"How long have ya liked the spite?" bunny asked a worried look in his eyes.

"W-what" I stammered what was bunny talking about? My heart sped up beating loudly in my chest.

"Tooth ya can't hide this from me trust me i know all about It." the rabbit chuckled. I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it. I had grown exceptionally close to jack but i never had time to ask him how he felt.

"I-i guess not . . . . I guess since what cress told me in the warren after Easter and that one time." i admitted the memory playing in my head.

"That's just it tooth it was me! I'm to blame for this! I did this! I did this!" Cress started to scream and i held her tightly letting her scream. She collapsed against me sobbing. I softly stroked her hair. This wasn't her fault and i knew it. Pitch was going to get his teeth knocked out when i found him. I felt cress suddenly shift and sit up looking around as if looking for someone.

"Where's Jack?" she asked looking around. My heart clenched in my chest and tears threatened to spill.

"Jack's not here . . . he's gone" i said softly I know jack hadn't meant to do what he did but he still did and now Babytooth was gone and Pitch had won.

"You mean he didn't come back here?" she asked Surprise ran through me.

I shook my head confused. "Why would jack come back here?" I asked I hoped jack hadn't gone off on some suicidal mission to defeat pitch. That would just get him killed!

"Because he fixed his staff after Pitch broke it, He gave it away to save Babytooth . . . There has to be a reason he didn't come straight back here for you guys" Cress says frowning. I fell happiness bubble up inside. Jack. . Sacrificed his staff for Babytooth . . . . . Even though he knew it could hurt him in pitches hands he still did it. He managed to get Babytooth anyways after fixing his staff. I look up at cress shocked. I can tell she's thinking about something and suddenly it hits me.

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