Spring dreams

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Third person Pitch's POV>

Pitch watched the scene unfold before his eyes. He laughed startling the nightmare next to him. He ran a hand through her mane.

"It worked perfect now with the child out of the way I can do what I want with Jack" he said staring into her golden eyes

"Oh onyx that wasn't even the best part watching jack wither as he watched his first believer stop believing how . . . Delicious" he laughed then disappeared into the shadows reemerging into his cave systems he spread his arms

"Soon all of this will be jacks new home" he motioned to the cave systems "if I had discovered how i did that to her four years ago nothing would have stopped me not even that pitiful child jack cares-" pitched stopped and grinned

"Well cared about" he finished Onyx snorted and tossed her head whinnying as if to agree with him. Pitch turned away from her taking in the grandeur of the cave. He looked up at a small hole in the top where moonlight flitted in.

"My shadow guardian is almost ready are your guardians?" he asked the moon grinning fearfully






Third person Jack's POV>

Jack felt himself floating again. He opened his eyes to find himself in a deep blackness. He looked around startled. He watch amazed as the scene changed. The blackness faded into what seemed to be a huge forest and a lake . . . . Wait! This was his lake where he was made a spirit. He looked up. Overhead the moon glowed in the middle of the sky. Jack shuddered.

Why does this feel so familiar?

He looked down at the lake and squinted. There! In the middle under the ice was a sinking figure. Jack flew down to see who it was. He gasped when he saw his face. It was him! This was when he became a spirit!

He watched frozen in place as a sudden ray of moonlight shinned through the water on his past self. The body immediately stopped sinking and started to drift up wards. Right before he touched the ice his hair turned a beautiful clear white. The ice seemed to lift upwards as he watched his past self float up through the ice. He blinked gasping for air. His eyes were a deep cerulean blue. His past self looked around as he floated upward. He seemed scared. Jack flew up ward to join him. They both up at the moon and suddenly calmed down. Jack felt a sense of peace wash over him. His self-disappeared and jack looked up at the moon.

"What's happening how can I make it back to protect Jamie and make him believe again? Jack asked the moon. But like always before there was no answer. Jack sighed in defeat. He would probably never answer his questions.

Both of you need to accept fate

Jack looked up eyes wide. "But how?" he asked

Belief is a strong magic but is not always strong enough

Shadows ~Siblings Trilogy Book #2~Where stories live. Discover now