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Tooth's POV>

I looked up to see that familiar red hair and amber eyes. I smiled happiness bubbling up inside me.

"Cress" Bunny said softly.

"I'm sorry but I will talk to you later right now pitch needs help." She said motioning to pitch in front of me.

"How can you help me?" pitch growled.

"You seem to forget my many talents" She said grinning. Orange energy started to cackle around her hand.

"Great I suppose in some crazy way this is payback" Pitch mumbled.

"I suppose in a way but it's more to help you than it is to bring me joy seeing you in pain." Cress said she floated behind and slowly brought her hand down on his shoulder pitch screamed falling onto his back. His eyes quickly flashed purple before they faded out and he slumped to the ground.

"Will he be okay?" I asked flying forward.

"He will but its Jack i'm more worried about"

"I am sorry it is dark in this cave so perhaps you did not notice but I am not jack" Nivalis said chuckling stepping forward.

"Nivalis?" Cress asked surprised.

"Yes I am surprised you figured it out"

"Well let's just say I have a friend who's into stories." I smiled knowing who she was talking about. I smiled flying forward in front of her.

"It's good to see you again cress" I said softly she smiled at me warmly.

"I know I missed you too" she replied she held out her arms and we hugged. I jumped when all off a sudden Nivalis let out a cry falling onto a knee.

"H-he is breaking through" he stammered.

"Where do you want us to leave you" cress asked I stared at her in horror.

"How long have you got Nivalis?" I asked flying forward I helped him up and leaned on jacks staff. That's when I noticed the staff. Frost only ran up about two-thirds of it.

"I-I do not know" he replied

"Nivalis Why is jack's staff like this?" I asked frowning. He gave the staff a surprised glance.

"H-he never healed all the way? Y-you must talk to Jamie" Nivalis stammered he let out another cry falling on to his hands and knees.

"Tooth come on" Bunny said grabbing me by the arm pulling me away. I pulled away from him and dove forward giving Nivalis a hug.

"Take care of jack okay?" I whispered in his ear. I let go fluttering to the others. He looked up and nodded. I flew up giving him one last look before finally leaving.

I love you jack






Cress's POV>

I smiled warmly at the sight of Santoff clausen. I gave bunny a sideways glance. I had a lot to explain but he would listen. He always did. I walked in the warmth making my cheeks heat up. I turned to bunny who had stopped behind me.

"Follow me" I said softly. I walked down the hallway to that familiar room. I opened the door the book case and bed still there. I shut the door and turned around. Strong arms wrapped around me and he put his head over my shoulder. I smiled hugging him back.

Shadows ~Siblings Trilogy Book #2~Where stories live. Discover now