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Tooth's POV>

No sooner had he said it than he winced. He flew back pressing a hand on his head. He gritted his teeth squeezing his eyes shut. I flew back ready to take this chance to get Nivalis out.

"Nivalis this is Chaos's magic you beat it before you can do it again!" I encouraged. Jack looked up pain flickering in his eyes before he slumped and his eyes closed. As soon as he did all the wolves disintegrated into nothing. He continued to fall and I dove forward catching him in the nick of time. I set him down gently as he stirred eyes twitching.

"Get away from him!"

I was startled as I was suddenly shoved away from jack. I turned to face Bunny who stared at me as if I was crazy.

"Bunny that isn't jack" I argued. I saw Sandy nod and immediately I realized why Cress wanted me to talk to him.

"Sandy knows what I'm talking about." I said pointing to Sandy.

"Yeah! What the hell was that up there?!" Bunny yelled gesturing up.


I turned to see Jack sitting up holding his head. He looked up and I was surprised to see green eyes.

He is the spirit of spring

"Nivalis" I said smiling in relief flying over. I helped him over to a chair as he rubbed his eyes. He looked up gratefulness gleaming in his eyes.

"Thank you I do not know how long I will be able to stay in control but I will be able to at least help you while I can" He said smiling. His voice had a mild Egyptian accent and I noticed Jack's hair had somehow become a light golden blonde.

"You're welcome you might want to explain to the others who you are" I said pointing to Bunny and North. Jac-Nivalis's eyes lit up when he spotted Sandy. He stood up walking over shaking his hand.

"Sandy! It is so very good to see you old friend" he exclaimed giving the little golden man a hug.

"How old are you" Bunny asked eyes widening.

"My Egyptian heritage should explain it enough but I would just say a very long time Aster" Nivalis replied A mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I believe we have a world to save" I said clearing my throat gaining their attention.

"Ah yes you are right Miss Toothiana Let me explain myself first to them" He said pointing to North and Bunny who both nodded confused. They headed to the library Sandy and me trailing along


~Time skip Becuz we need ta have a time skip~


"So Ya're tellin me that Pitch has been influenced to do his worst fantasies on us." Bunny asked skeptically.

"Yes Aster there are things so horrid even the king of nightmares would not dare to attempt" Nivalis replied.

"That magic is half of what influenced Jack" North murmured

"That might explain the way he was actin towards Tooth" Bunny said softly I gasped in horror.

"Y-you mean he would have . . . . Actually done something? That was actually a fantasy of his?" I whispered

Shadows ~Siblings Trilogy Book #2~Where stories live. Discover now