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Tooth's POV>

"Everyone to the sleigh!" called North heading to the stables. I watched as bunny hopped in front of him shaking his head.

"No I'm goin by tunnel I'll get there sooner" said bunny with that he tapped his foot and disappeared down a tunnel before anyone could stop him.

I flew into the sleigh sandy next to me. My heart raced in fear for jack. I didn't ever want to see the young spirit hurt or Jamie. I had a soft spot for jack and i was afraid if pitch got ahold of him it would break my heart. North climbed up into the pilots seat and took the reins

"and off we go!" the big man yelled snapping the reins elves skittered out of the way as the reindeer took off shooting down the tunnel and into the cold air. North took out a snow-globe and whispered "Burgess" then disappeared through the portal. We landed neatly on the lake.

I gasped seeing a familiar figure lying in the lake. i flew up heading toward Jamie as fast as i could. I wrapped my arms around the sobbing child.

"Jamie what's wrong?" i asked gently


That was the he could whisper before he shuddered and buried his head into my shoulder. Thoughts ran through my mind. What had happened to Jack? Surely he was okay he was a guardian he couldn't be-

The sight of that same familiar brown wood made me freeze. It was undoubtedly jack's I could see the same grooves in it. The wood was a dark brown though. It looked almost empty without the familiar frost creeping up it. The staff sent a sense of dread through me. I pulled Jamie off of me gently and looked into his eyes.

"Jamie where is jack?" i asked worried what the answer might be. Jamie froze a look of horror on his face.

"He-he's gone" he whispered he looked up and the look in his eyes sent chills up my spine "Pitch killed him" he croaked out. I looked up at where the staff lay abandoned on the lake. There was no way jack was dead.

I faintly heard north asking who it was and it snapped me out of my thoughts. Right now my main focus was Jamie.

"It's Jamie!" I called I picked up the child bridal style carrying him to the sleigh. I set him down gently but he still clung to me. I gently pried his fingers off my neck and sat down next to him. Jamie sniffed but didn't make a sound. Tears ran down his face and buried his head in his arms.

Sandy floated up shooting a series of dreams symbols at me. I quietly mouthed back what Jamie had told me. Sandy's eyes furrowed in sadness. I pointed out to the lake where Jacks staff was. Sandy nodded and flew out to get it.

"Jamie where was jack?" north asked i shot north a look but it was too late

"hes gone pitch k-killed him!" Jamie wailed he leaned against me sobbing wildly I silently padded his back tears forming in my eyes. Not jack . . . . anyone but jack. I looked up at the other guardians.

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